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Everything posted by StevoD

  1. i think i no the car your on about iss it silver?
  2. think bizz can sort you with some
  3. dunno bought there but would love to make use of this Grand Canyon Skywalk
  4. i mean ive got a bit of stick at work when i told them how can i be this drifty street racer kid yet like trains haha, but with both my granddads pasted on feels like a nice way of honoring there memory in a way
  5. well my birthday was yesterday (cheers for the wishes ) and my parents got me something a bit unusual When i was a wee lad both my grandads got me into trains, with Thomas the tank and models etc, we will getting old, PlayStation computer phone etc all came into my life and any interested i had kind of vanished, and in my mid teens cars became the main front of interest and stll is, but something i always wanted when i was a kid was ride in the cab of a steam train, Well my Parents have got me a drivers experience, Giving me the chance to get get behind the wheel erm levers of what looks to be this loco at the nene valley railway in Peterborough
  6. to be honest that sort of mod looks tacky and the sort of thing that would be seen on a old impreza with rally graphics and a dump valve racing up and down southend seafront all day with its stereo blasting out the sort of car this bloke drives
  7. im just going to be runnning the Formula D section of the track at long beach
  8. StevoD

    Used JDM?

    as youve got jdmdistro is good fo used
  9. is this cozzi old car cant be many zeds on comps
  10. im developing some new feet
  11. comming up with fitting soultions
  12. In no order 1. Topgear 2. Top gear usa 3. Fast and Loud 4. Overhaulin' 5. russel Howard good news 6. Big Bang Theory 7. Family Guy 8. fishtank kings 9. american chopper 10. mythbusters
  13. do we have to pre meet on the day or are you sending tickets/passes out
  14. StevoD


    Filmed last year, Still looks active to me
  15. StevoD


    if you mean the ol'Wangan Racers they're long gone after one of them had an accident on rainbow road at 180+ with a taxi. This is what the wife tells me as she worked in Tokyo for 11 years. I do believe the NSX boys still play "it" on roads around Tokyo. not sure quite how that works in a car but looks fun. no not the wangan thats the old hunting ground for the midnight club if im mistaken the wangan is the road out on tokyo bay not the c1 city loop
  16. You are coming out of the tyre closet
  17. StevoD

    EBay coilovers

    hsd can be had for 550 new
  18. you dont use toyo tires so kinda pointless
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