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Everything posted by StevoD

  1. try getting a hks filter £20 plus shipping
  2. This is azure blue my favorite colour lol Hmmm, I'm no expert so don't start second guessing the car, but I thought Nismo cars only came in greys, silvers, blacks and whites? By Nismo cars I mean proper Nismos, like the S-Tune, not ones with optional extras from Nissan like bodykits and exhausts. Hopefully I'm wrong because I'd like to see a real one on the forum dunno you could get blue in america
  3. think i no where ive seen your car before you something to do with expression culture right?
  4. http://www.redletterdays.co.uk/Experience/Ref/ICNED/Extreme-Dodgems?clickRef=96374113511
  5. I THINK driftlimits have a 350z in their fleet too. I know that L2D only use 200SX's, they have an impressive list of instructors too. i dont no if drift limits do but allstars academy do although for the drift experiences i can teach you to donut a cone for £150 as thats all you will get for that money id do this as its a full day and actually racing not just drive a lambo for 3 laps http://www.redletterdays.co.uk/Experience/Ref/ICNGS/Ultimate-Stock-Car-Racing
  6. Hi Guys An update on this just about to place the order for this month when upon contacting the company they have invested in a new machine which cannot print on sleeves for some bizarre reason, Which has left me with one choice which is redesign with the company the t shirts, Below you will find the options those that have already ordered. please choose which you would like or a refund. Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 4 Option 5 Once i have a Message or post on here from the following people saying what they wish to do i will commission the first batch, anyone else who wants one of these this order make sure you put your order in now, Matt Dedman Stuart Siddons Chris Smith Gareth Monk Ian Strong Alex Dring Keyser just for you
  7. im going to wrap my car pink now i think
  8. if you can get late specs sa3r in there original colours they look beast if there the old version rattle canned or repainted they mostly look like poo these yes these no
  9. so pink zed are bad? shame this guy didnt get the memo
  10. although this is advised a TC system work on the speed difference on each axle so if you stay between the percentage difference in size irrelevant of the oem between each axle vdc etc will be fine
  11. they let you play in your own car aswell
  12. im called daisy dyer as im a slow driver apparently
  13. yea crail is a fast track for a first timer (that is crail right) if it is try http://driftland.wazala.com/products/driftland-academy-starter-drift-experience/
  14. dont get discouraged dude theres a reason me and aliveboy have street bumpers and track bumpers only other thing watching the vid way to much hand movement look at this vid of forsberg , let the wheel slip through your hands rather than feeding it and crossing hands
  15. are you clutch kicking/using a quick dab of handbrake or just tryin to use power to kick out, also think the reason for the spin was the lift should keep your foot in
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