I am guessing its just not practical to develop a tailored solution for every car, i am also guessing the demand for sliding motorsports seats to fit a 350z isnt going to be huge. Most motorsports seats will be bolted directly to the floor without the need to be sliding.
Could you not make a simple solid mounted base that bolts to the existing seat rail bolts and then just bolt in and out when you go on track/drifting?
Just had a further reply from cobreau with what seems the most stupid company decision in lifetime
they make side mounted bucket seats and subframes for hundreds of cars. but there sub frames dont work with side mounted bucket seats,
i asked about this seat Cobreau club sport which as you can see has runners and side mounts with it and it state that in its advert
"This seat comes equipped with its own steel side mounts and double locking runners as a complete kit ready to bolt down and jump in the driving seat.."
i notice as which Aliveboy has that Cobreau make as they call it subframes here and the 350z i listed in its chart
the club sport seat due to the included brackets down bolts downwards and the 350z subframe as above it for horizontal bolting not side bolting will not work, or will not work with the corbeau side mounts below which turn the side mounts to horizontal mounts
am i being a an idiot or does cobreau not know what they supply or sell or have they built a company on non connective parts