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Everything posted by StevoD

  1. I think i would but it wouldnt be cheap and any damage at cost x3
  2. They sound like idiots, I mean, what a useless bank if they don't have any money in it like most banks then who have lost all the money
  3. im sure if there serious about it they could develop a transparent one
  4. Legendary overtake..via the grave trap..!! both in gravel
  5. obviously tyres etc still need it
  6. come on bought some ravs engineering
  7. i currently with parents and my job is south cambridge area so im looking letchworth/royston/stevenage area as id rather not use the m11/a14 everyday
  8. reminds of a few shop i saw in turkey
  9. i have heard you like to polish ya pipe very often
  10. no it's not I don't own a Beemer: Sent from my C5303 using Tapatalk Seriously hope you are her boyfriend, pretty creepy if not not yet but give me time Sent from my C5303 using Tapatalk Says here you're married: https://www.facebook...whitelaw1/about Detective Dedman
  11. isnt that still shared equity tho Nope, government help http://www.helptobuy.org.uk Yep, the scheme is laid out kinda like shared equity, but it differs legally. The cash the government give you has to be repaid starting in year 5, so its like taking a smaller mortgage and a loan, and then delaying re-paying the loan for 5 years. Kinda anyway. Ok sounds interesting will look into it cheers, im looking along the line of something likes this, but do we have any property traders going to nick it from me http://www.zoopla.co...414b35a28c9c1dc
  12. or you could just your old system and use this to link your old flanges and parellos pipe
  13. isnt that still shared equity tho
  14. boy friends beemer in the background? if so that you lot shot down, On another note hello i welcome you to the younger side of 350z-uk
  15. right time for an unusual sensible Steve thread, Do we have any estate agents or people recent taken the first step on the ladder etc, As i might have a opportunity to get on the property ladder in the next 6 months im aware this is a big thing not something you do on a whim, ive been having a nose on zoopla etc at local places for me, it seems most now are on this shared equity thing ie you only mortgages and own 30% etc, which to me unless im seeing it wrong looks a scam you pay a mortgages and then rent on top which turns out more in most cases than just taking the full mortgage, i understand its so people with small deposits can get a mortgage of £75k instead of trying to get one for £150k, If there anyone on here on a share equity that can give me there opinions, for the question which i think will follow im looking at a 1-2 bedroom property with a deposit of about £10-13k im aware its **** all for deposit. but im not looking for £400k 3 bedroom house
  16. Still about 2k EP3's can't be far off that now. Still about 2k, speaking of honda i recongise the username suits you didnt happen to be on Civiclife years back?
  17. can see my self buying a sub 1k honda for some cheap track day fun soon
  18. friend of mines selling his boosted one
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