the only the experince i have of it and its tame is as follows,
when round a friends flat one evening and sort of 5 minutes before we were leaving they were telling me about so odd stuff that had been happening that week like books coming off of bedside tables and landing perfectly stacked on the floor, a box that was wedged on there wardrobe for months randomly crashing to the floor one night, then as we were leaving they have a cupboard just at the door to the flat and he was telling me how since the book and box incident thing that were placed perfectly on shelf had been falling off, Well we were stood near it as i was getting my shoes on and it went ice cold and we both looked at each other like thats weird after just talking about that stuff, then we both sort of froze, then i cant recall how many but a few thuds came from inside this cupboard, we were still sort of froze looking at each other like WTF, at which point his missus had just walked from the living room to say good bye and the ice coldness went, i open the cupboard and hes said i emptyed it two nights ago because of the stuff falling, so what was making the thuds from inside i have no idea, but they now have moved away so not sure if it was all in the mind or what but first time ive been unable to speak and my muscle wouldnt allow me to move before