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Everything posted by StevoD

  1. sa check out that paint, awesome lil car that shame the bump strip is missing , zeds not bad either
  2. http://www.bird-x.co.uk/bird-x_ultrasonic_bird_repellers.asp
  3. did nismo actually make boot dividers then?
  4. hmm nothing personally but id rather Paint the letters on my tyres
  5. And i wish you the best in finding the Zed of your dreams so you can come join us at meets and shows
  6. unfortunate a bit of a shitty life lesson up your playing field ie £££ or make sacrifices, like saying get me a R34 gtr for 8 Grand it wont happen but you can get a GTT for that money, i either get the gtt or i save up till i have the cash to pay the field, Dont wish to sound like a dick and i now how it is as ive been in your situation with my own 350z i sure a poo didn't want silver but i could get a pooey condition blue or orange for the money or a good condition silver so i got silver as for the money i had its the best purchase out of what was in my price range, Having a look on the bay and autotrader there aint many blue azure under 6k and those that do are touching over 100k, your turning up to a gun fight with a conker on a bit of string want a GT BLUE with low milage (60-80k) on a 2002-2005 car under £6000 i dont wish to come across as a dick but your only chance there is if some needs a quick sale for what ever reason and you can jump on the second the advert goes live, IE what tradelink does. i
  7. whats reasonable mileage as my cars 12 years old now so on standard car my ages shoul be about 144,000 on average http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/2004-NISSAN-350Z-BLUE-W-BOSE-LEATHER-/321383511174?pt=Automobiles_UK&hash=item4ad3f33486 http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/NISSAN-350Z-54-REG-NO-SWAP-PX-/111319777709?pt=Automobiles_UK&hash=item19eb2d01ad or just buy the one from tradelink originally but get a warranty and purchasing rights with it http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/2003-53-NISSAN-350Z-UK-COUPE-AZURE-BLUE-GT-WITH-EXTRAS-FSH-MOT-TAX-/321374264499?pt=Automobiles_UK&hash=item4ad3661cb3
  8. I will laugh is its like an Australian import or something
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