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Everything posted by StevoD

  1. if you want your zed to stand out more than a porker do something like this to it, But then if your main priority is to get noticed arnt your just said lifestyler ferrari driver etc just without the cash
  2. Google Miro 111 same wheel personally I think they looks a bit tacky bling bling for a zed but your car
  3. Close Matt powers formula d driver well was
  4. dont worry it can be hidden out the back where no one can see if you so wish just i dont wanna have to drive back on ruined tyres
  5. money sent i no from organising previous stands at trax each ticket get a stand pass is there any issue my second ticket bringing a 'support' car on stand for my spare set of wheels and tools if needed
  6. If in one of the example given and ive witnessed personally working at a main dealer in Cambridge were paint stripper was used and every panel keyed by someone's jealous Ex i would have a Cat C car if all it needed was a respray 6 year old car with a fresh new paint job to Industry approved body shop standards for a grand or so less than market value one, like i said comes down to getting the real facts of whats happened
  7. It was written off in 2009 when the car was worth £8000 though mate. That would be an entire front and rear end! Haha Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk Few Xenon Headlights up in there Nw wings bumper bonnet Slam panel Radiator Condenser could easy get up that way when you start adding paint prep, Recovery admin fees etc
  8. yea thats fine your not stating something you dont know the facts of
  9. HAHA you need to re read your own post and how you wont accept anything any else says there's many people on this forum that disagree with me on most subjects Ekona and 14N first two that come to mind but still seem to have a civilized conversation with them and im sure i can find post were they even said the points i made were good just there points are more valid to them, you just see to ignore them and slam down your opinion hammer with out even considering what anyone else says, you constantly above seem to have avoid the fact that im right and said car that's been written off could not be body damaged yet the only thing you keep repeating that its possible its had severe accident, yet you have Zero Evidence, all i did was counter it saying i have as much evidence to say it hadn't even been in a collision, all you could say was Cat C it had a server accident not once did your suggest to Bradders to find out A) if it been VIC'd or b )Why it was Cat C
  10. best tell tradelink he better scrap it http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/84855-cat-d-2006-350z-nismo-n1-in-black-cheap-tax-100k-miles-factory-bird-view-sat-nav/
  11. Eh, has it been confirmed as an import? So, what you're saying is that it's best to believe it's just had a smashed sump/paint stripper or a new interior and been written off as a result? Huh? I would think it's best to assume that a Cat C car has been involved in an accident in my mind. Is there even a way you can find out what sort of damage this car has had? Is there a record, maybe Nissan has something? Either way there are figures floating around the internet of anywhere between 50 and 70% of market value. So to answer your original point before we went down this stupid road of pedanticism, Yeah I think anything around £3-3500 for a Cat C 2003 350z (import/not?) worth originally around £5500 give or take is a fair offer. You okay with that? o get you mr Big man yes i am ok with that but i think you need to get all facts before you start scare mongering people o you must have MPSS or your going crash, you cant have a Cat C car because your more likely crash you make me laugh do you even leave your house or does the sun light scare ya? If writen off cars cars are that bad why did discovery commission a whole series with Mike Brewer ( yes i no im not his biggest fan) buying cat c and cat d cars and putting them back on the road?
  12. Again with out detailed information on why its a cat C your seem to assuming or its coming across its been in a crash explain how a respray or a new interior or a new engine will change the characteristic of a car in a crash id would estimate an 2003 import in 2009 would be the same value of a imported 2006-2007 now which on auto trader for a uk is £8000 so call it £7500 as an import i think would be a fair value in 2009
  13. pretty severe accident isnt someone bumping you in the rear at 30mph at a set of traffic lights tho is it No it's not but I would say smashing your sump or having paint stripper thrown over the car is pretty severe, stop nit picking my words. i never said it was severe im sayng a cat C isnt a bigger deal as your making it out to be, if said car was 6k and cost of full respray came in at 7k because it had paint stripper poured on it it would be Cat c if said car was 6k and it has the sump smahsed off and require engine to be removed new VQ from nissan to be supplied and fitted at a cost of around id guess 10-5k it would be cat C if said cat was in flooded south this winter and market value was 6k and require a full strip out dry and full new interior supplied and fitted at 7-8k it would be cat C
  14. pretty severe accident isnt someone bumping you in the rear at 30mph at a set of traffic lights tho is it
  15. Curious why you think a Cat C car which has been repaired and passed a VIC (assuming it has ) is worth half the money ? if the asking price book money was 6k ok maybe a drop to 5 maybe even 4.5k but 3k? It's not just me that views it in this light, why spend £5k on a car that's had an unknown - pretty severe accident (CAT C is pretty massive damage) when you could spend another £1k and have a car without the shady history. I realise you can buy a car that hasn't been written off that's had a severe impact but that's why you should get a car checked over if you're not competent enough to do it yourself. Cat C and D are usually no economical repairs doesn't mean it been involved in a pile up at 100mph, If its been VIC inspected by vosa and was cat c or cat d and can prove its been repaired by a reputable bodyshop i cant see the issue in it being put for 70-75% of its market value Cat C could be it had paint stripper poured over it? Cat C could be water damage to the interior? Cat C could be it got the sump smashed and required another engine?
  16. Looks good just dont think the rear spoiler goes with it needs a 380rs/V3 rear wing or something a bit chunky that leans back not forwards, looks like its melting haha
  17. this guy might be able to help http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/68492-anodised-radiator-cooling-panels/
  18. a ok a Slam panel is basically what most bits on the front end of the car bolts to ie Audi A3 slam panel I think what your after is the Cooling plate which sits on top this thing sorry i dont know where to get a blue one from but didnt want you buying a whole front end
  19. Do you want a slam panel or a cooling plate/Duct?
  20. Curious why you think a Cat C car which has been repaired and passed a VIC (assuming it has ) is worth half the money ? if the asking price book money was 6k ok maybe a drop to 5 maybe even 4.5k but 3k?
  21. i dont but like i said he doesnt like painted tyre text so were ever
  22. forgive me im confused how do i pay ? and is there a fee for passenger in the track session
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