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Everything posted by StevoD

  1. Rubbish one session is enough int that right aliveboy
  2. I get ripped on about mpss it's life we move and laugh
  3. Check your happy before you leave tho mouthash
  4. You can have a little bit of me on your car as it's my old one
  5. Wing looks like monkey waste I'm just jealous mine's still not on
  6. Sorry mate I'm sure it can't be any worse than mine haha
  7. So he's had a final warning why hasn't radio 1 and radio 1 extra producers getting the same as I no I've heard on there and I've heard it on other BBC shows like Russel Howard's good news
  8. I will be for the next 10 days work in In the Romania country so going to be dataless
  9. StevoD

    Tyre paint pen

    Don't steel my idea haha was going to try z labs instead of idlers
  10. Your car was at Abbey when I was getting my uprev done first sentra I've seen in person. Very nice mate are they Sr20det as I don't no a lot about them? I'm guessing a us import?
  11. Looking forward to the new look rotis
  12. StevoD

    New Boots

    Or pl lips go centers
  13. StevoD

    New Boots

    O really I'm excited now I wonder if bl w/ br lip
  14. StevoD

    New Boots

    Looking forward to this why not keep the chrome and original they look awesome
  15. Tarmac they Lexus fitment? if so I could make use of them of them
  16. Looks quality work I would have painted the bumper all colour not split it to make it look like a gtr tho
  17. Buy tickets so the cash goes to a good place (But Don't so I have a higher chance to win somethin )
  18. if i join will ya? At the end of my sentence I almost put 'Sorry Stevo' after the white flag man, I thought it would be a bit antagonistic of me. ooppps missed this off the end
  19. if i join will ya?
  20. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO which one best not be the one at the beehive center i need my subway melt!
  21. to a degree yes but that is just PC gone mad again ok so i cant tell advise they should have buy product A because i might offend them as they bought product B, im not racists but as ekona said why should a white man be shamed for using it when black people use it daily, You might aswell never speak as there is always going to be someone offended by something
  22. i mean what next fast food restaurants start catering specially for the minority rather than everyone
  23. hang on ego show mike brewer, WWWHHHAAATTT!
  24. Sounds like the whole 'Slope' fiasco, the main woman complaining was Indian or middle eastern not asian, i dont see how you can get offended when it doesn't relate you, and all it is is people are 'Offended' it not causing them in distress in there life, i would say 99% of the people that are being offended are people who just hate clarkson anyway if it had been there own little superstar they like im sure it wouldn't be so and they would let it slide to quote Stephen Fry 'I'm rather offended by that.' As if that gives them certain rights. It's actually nothing more... than a whine. 'I find that offensive.' It has no meaning; it has no purpose; it has no reason to be respected as a phrase. 'I am offended by that.' Well, so ****ing what."
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