you can end up with battle wounds and body damage on a normal track day to as unfortunately someone found out at jap fest
although yes the clutch and flywheel will take some abuse it all depends on how you initiate the drift, i 95% of the time go in on the Wand (handbrake) once it side ways let the clutch out without and revs then plant the throttle which give it no more abuse than downshifting and hitting the pedal flat out (will stretch the handbrake cable tho, unless you get a hydro fitted), if you go in like Matt does in that video or sounds like he does with a clutch kick thats about the same as going out side holding it on the redline at a stand still and dropping the clutch well actually its not that bad as all the transmission is already in motion but you get the idea or you can be epic and just try a Scandinavian flick it and hope you catch it