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Everything posted by StevoD

  1. wanted to but could never justify buying a gopro
  2. lower it roll the arches winner
  3. Then two runs getting into the groove on the big EDC track after pulling 3rd and spinning on the long far corner took a few times trying different lines till it worked for me
  4. First disclaimer it does appear the videos were recorded on a potato the quality is rubbish in full screen right first two videos are me setting the car up on small kidney track as im used to norfolk which is smooth not like like santapod which is like driving over a 17 year olds face
  5. you do appear to have a propper mash up of gear there, ideally you want to run the same brand as it designed with the same parts if that makes sense, all it takes is each bit to be 5-7 mm out in length or angle from other brands and it can cause a right pain in the ass
  6. hello welcome along VQ friend, so thats rwd that thing hmmmm
  7. hay bizz is uusing them on his wheels on his competition drift car cant be all bad
  8. esprit 350z rear wing
  9. well ive learnt something new the 70 doesnt have the rear bar
  10. So all 4 in your bed tonight?
  11. I can't belive know one has figured it out yet lol
  12. how grundys going to be acting at the weekend (he hopes )
  13. i just hate the jump on the big corner everytime i landed straight point at the concrete blocks
  14. i heard there gone off like a mouldy brown colour HOLLA!!!!!!
  15. StevoD

    3SDM 0.01's

    all info is here http://www.driftworks.com/blog/2012/11/350z-black-on-black/ tarmac (tarmacsportz) on here should be able to get them
  16. StevoD

    3SDM 0.01's

    there 20s still look poo
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