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Everything posted by StevoD

  1. we have found about 10 ten just pick one
  2. We need a new version of this and no not shitty Grid
  3. also when you get a zed remove your postcode from your location making it easy for car robbers
  4. comparethemarket.com my zed was 1200 i think at 21 so your price seems right
  5. I just said its coming up on text check as a Cat C can you give me some more info he said to just call him
  6. bradders wanted one .........to soon
  7. something like this would be good no? obviously with out any budget
  8. http://youtu.be/jh6Iei-IyR0 http://youtu.be/qoloqLVvGpU
  9. StevoD


    pence or pounds? if it's pence I'll go to 200 ooooh to much for me so
  10. StevoD


    pence or pounds?
  11. whilst we are off topic my buddys sofas for sale
  12. you mean like my build thread which turned to yours and Bulletmagnets Fapfest
  13. its a rainbow farting tartcat ?
  14. when harness are in the bedroom most people dont sleep ok ill leave now this has gone to far
  15. My names Matt and I'm Glass Half Empty guy! Stop pooping on my bonfire today! you need to be more grund and when @*!# goes wrong sleep with your wheels instead of fitting them - They fill that empty part in my bed dont worry mate the BGW fills mine Is it weird I feel left out because I haven't bought parts I can't fit i can sell your a sr20det manifold if your up for a challenge
  16. you been painting again dedman
  17. GSM in Nottingham are good for stuff like this
  18. My names Matt and I'm Glass Half Empty guy! Stop pooping on my bonfire today! you need to be more grund and when @*!# goes wrong sleep with your wheels instead of fitting them - They fill that empty part in my bed dont worry mate the BGW fills mine
  19. My names Matt and I'm Glass Half Empty guy! Stop pooping on my bonfire today! you need to be more grund and when @*!# goes wrong sleep with your wheels instead of fitting them
  20. your next project just make sure they clear the pillars
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