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Everything posted by StevoD

  1. If the cop was rude at least complain about that, at the end of the day there a public servant not a public dictator, i would contest the fine what do you have to lose?
  2. used to work on these daily hate them with a passion sorry, But with out being there or witnessing the noise i wouldn't like to even guess, Can you get a good quality video of it? is it a mk1 or a mk2 with a PD engine
  3. using this forum MPSS scheme you could buy a a roll cage msa =mpss SCCA NASA approved harness bar = falkens or you can buy that and hope it does the same job = nexens Chances are you will be ok but its not likely to have have been designed with force loading areas it could quite well work but as ekona will tell you regarding tyres getting the best is the safest, id be the same regard something which could have a lot of force put through it because if it snaps in a accident youve got a meter long part of metal with sharp edges flying around in your cabin
  4. StevoD

    Rim Pics!

    19 and have a zed hmm who did you hold at ransom
  5. StevoD


    wasnt tarmac looking for a guinea pig for a new roll cage?
  6. good enough reason but im just think of some of the stuff on family viewing x factors etc
  7. modern family viewing or 1960s family viewing? and curious to family as how many under 18s are registered on this forum im not digging im just curious
  8. well thats that done then, Bring on #TBT tomorrow think more people might join in with that
  9. can make it clean by only posting link from youtube? as a rule
  10. RULE POST LINK FROM YOUTUBE ONLY ! Woman Crush Wednesday Pixie Lott
  11. im guessing everyone would get put into a session with other cars in the other session each session last i guess 30mins then 30mins break then 30mins out again etc all day
  12. I think if you give the numbers needed and the cost and details of the day we can go from there
  13. awkwardly asks for something and people just stare me
  14. fluid is gold not black but dont think its that it sounds like something has come loose and is shifting, but i cant find it at all, also can anyone pull there pedal up about 10 mm from its rest position im wondering if i bent the pedal
  15. but i feel your pain but dont worry
  16. easy ditch the bitch lets go drifting
  17. StevoD

    Rim Pics!

    What?! I didn't think it was THAT harsh Why's that? (I do, I know, just wondering what bought it up here ) Anyway, sorry OP if that was too harsh, not intended that way wasnt harsh i just need a reason to post some real wheel rims say that fast 5 times
  18. StevoD

    Rim Pics!

    Easy alive boy no need for that here you go a few wheel rims could be worse he could have shown you his rim
  19. The dude who started the thread I messaged to you on FB i dont have Facebook at work
  20. seen these vids only seem to be able to slide when its Damp
  21. StevoD

    Utter Cocks

    Although its not the cars fault why not sell them on for charity?
  22. sorry pal for some reason i thought your name came up as stu on the system, its being produced now i should think i will get it Friday/Saturday and i will then pack and wrap it to leave me Monday that is if your Mr Taylor as thats the only order i received in may
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