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Everything posted by StevoD

  1. This will be the last month i run this for now!
  2. would put the cost of passports up a fair whack tho
  3. i think people have pushed 25mm front 30 rear but most go a 20/25mm set up
  4. thats good enough reason, haha But the idiots crying on the news that they missed there 5k all inclusive because there passports didnt arrive in time i think the **** ups with you not the passport agency you wouldnt book your driving test with out getting the theory done would you
  5. To be fair to him, if I order a passport, I wouldn't expect it to take any longer than 6 weeks.... I'd say someones cocked up somewhere in their dept. for it to take this long. i still wouldnt book a trip with out a valid passport tho, infact im 99% sure on the passport forms it says dont book anything until you have received your valid passport
  6. with out sound like a **** but why book a trip abroad without valid passports in your hands in the first place?
  7. Odd, as both those cars have the same engine, gearbox, suspension and many other same parts. Mad what a diff and proper steering does to a car hey !?! took the words out my mouth
  8. blast from the past , I miss this thread is that the same wing on the rx7 that we have if so how are the feet closer to the center?
  9. who deleted wills posts you've mad me look like a rather a rite rare one
  10. Whacky Will is all about that DP
  11. let's just hope that she presses charges! if she doesn't he gets let loose think the video evidence will be enough tho regardless?
  12. hes been arrests on charges of unlawful imprisonment
  13. cant blame her tho if im honest
  14. you can hear the wind noise of the open window on this inside clip and the outside clip you can see the window open also grundy hes filming from the direction cars are coming from think it would be odd to film the other way
  15. no its just now made me link tesco car park chavvy ****s to polo drivers althought this seems t be a modern VAG thing after watching a new fabia vrs at btcc getting pi**ed off he had to wait in que so nudged the car park marshall with his car of which the marshall decided to make him wait longer so he beep opened the window swearing then proceed to push him out the way and fly past all the que exiting snetterton in excess of 60mph
  16. Lambo gallardo dsg hated it speed etc yes was nice but driving position was horrific didnt like the channel to the foot well the only place to put my feet was the pedals which i didnt like much rather the R8 Better than expect new Fabia VRS 1.4 tsi goes like a rocket and hangs well for what it is shame it looks like a boiled sweet
  17. Hooray! I am officially a chav, at the ripe old age of 51. I'll trade my leather Aussi bush hat for a burberry cap immediately. Tend to shop at Sports Direct for some outdoor gear but looks like I will be heading for the trackie section now. welcome to the club do you want some white lightening and amber leaf
  18. have you just compared a F40 to a new 458 and surprised the 458 is better?
  19. Just had a new auris 1.6 tdi rental drove from Cambridge to Dublin and back very well built id honestly say better materials than the Vw lot managed 64mpg average over the two way trip and that wasnt driving like miss daisy, would 100% have one if i was in the market for a new family hatch
  20. i ran 19x10.5 rears et 20 on the back of my Zed all last year no issue
  21. Because that is a 2 second job isn't it? think Dedman had his off at ace cafe in 30 seconds
  22. if the fuels not free a e90 320D would be my choice or a e46 330d
  23. usually VAG roster Seat Leon mk2 Fr Seat Ibiza cupra Diesel Skoda fabia Vrs Skoda Octavia Vrs Audi a3 tdi sport s line Vw Golf/Jetta gt tdi
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