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Everything posted by StevoD

  1. i would be interested in a gt86 as im not fortunate enough to have that kinda of money to spend on a new car
  2. but talks of it being a 1.6 turbo with a CVT with be its biggest downfall
  3. Do these come with 3sdm or rota centercaps?
  4. how the driver when passing didnt a give a WTF look at them i dont know
  5. and a few track runnings with cars which 'handle' better
  6. Smd trolling, never, he is just offering balanced argument and bringing us back down to earth, 99.9% of people wouldnt think the 350 is fast apparently It's not a fast car, it's a big heavy beautiful GT cruiser. Sent from the golf club... Speed/ fast is at the discretion of the driver personally anything that run a 1/4 in sub 14 seconds i would class as fast Just for clarity a gallardo or a 360 only run about a 12.5-12.9 stock
  7. dammit why didnt i think of that, im all show no go haha
  8. i heard varrsteon do a good copy es8s Tarmac can get them.....................................................o wait I'm happy with my 2! When all 4 are on, I'll be in love again im getting bored of my ultralites now jut dont think the not so distant future will let me feed my habit
  9. i heard varrsteon do a good copy es8s Tarmac can get them.....................................................o wait
  10. a few to consider and the best ive found today
  11. StevoD

    my lady !!

    very nice car this just loose the crapspeed logo, and a nice set of volks or rays would finish off a treat
  12. voltex wing is about £2.5k isnt it?
  13. is the bonnet black i always thought it was carbon lol
  14. not that i wanna **** on your bonfire, but you can get a ep3 early model with high but correct on a 12k yearly average miles etc for around 1.5k few years back 2012ish they were 3-4k but try getting a EK9 or Dc2 for that money no chance, but the EP3 is bad example and they are true Chav chariots, saying that they whole honda scene seem to have shifted that way over the last year years, 5-7 years ago horrific cars driven well 3-4 years ago it was tasteful car driven well now its tasteful (minus the plastidip and cheap nasty stickers) cars driven like morons,
  15. would put the cost of passports up a fair whack tho A monthly mail shot can't be that expensive? They could even use that new technology like email or texting... it would have to be post as they cant agree to everyone having a phone or the new number the cant work on everyone having an email were as everyone has an address which then means more staff operating the system even if its only 4-5 the cost of the new system the cost of a couple million envelopes and paper with ink each year adds up
  16. Wheels to something like Works m1rs headlights to facelifts and i recon top half painted gloss black like this but with not so @*!# wheels o and BGW
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