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Everything posted by StevoD

  1. do love the front of the new type r but rear looks like this to me
  2. dont eat yellow snow dont stand between a lamp post and a dog
  3. i wasnt to influenced to buy one when i was younger much
  4. Zlabs colours all im saying
  5. do the cars still handle like @*!# or more forza/gt?
  6. Think last one was the ring vid
  7. Just some paint removed from bumper Marshall wernt fussed about the armco so was a big shunt
  8. Typical Plato starting to lose drastically so just punt people off good driving from the Honda and WSR boys tho
  9. now thats got your attention haha, just been having a trip down memory lane and at one point i tryied doing videos of car meets etc just thought so of you might be interested if you not them sorry as you can see by the dates there not fresh and were made with about £300 worth of equipment and 1% skill
  10. isnt that entire music industry
  11. im sure most would have seen or heard of him and if your someone whos ignored as hes modern or what ever i really recommend having a listen to his new album its blooming brilliant
  12. It's more the bending I'm intrested ib
  13. One last lap or one last outing rule is very true
  14. Because focus rs astray vxr and transits are better blud
  15. Do you warm her seat before or after ahe gets in the car Sent from the golf club... Before, keeps her happy, which keeps me happy At least your honest enough to say it. I no loads of mates who don't want to upset there girl but you questions it and the reply Is "na I don't wanna come play cars I wanna sit in and watch the eastenders omnibus "aka I don't wanna get bitched at its easier to have it her way
  16. People still inspect buy then moan
  17. It's people intrested in cars so car scene every week is a video or story like this or the brands or the kid who pictured himself jumping on someone's McLaren I blame phones
  18. It's people intrested in cars so car scene every week is a video or story like this or the brands or the kid who pictured himself jumping on someone's McLaren I blame phones
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