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Everything posted by StevoD

  1. Z tour lands end to John ogroats road rally
  2. Does docrwa run the sxoc track weekender
  3. Or Wales and some were else swap annually
  4. Look up hot rod magazine week visit a few tracks over the week, Or a Z nationals style event from the US at a place like billing aquadrome with a funrun/cruise
  5. some reason look very west coast customs but your from royston im from melbourn so im sure i will be able to see it in person sometime soon
  6. This Weekend Me and Bizz (unfortunately Matts stag do clashed so he had more important orders) headed down to the Norfolk arena Charity weekender Obviously the main attraction for us is the first outing of Bizz LSZ with its war paint on, Bizz competed in the evening drift battles but unfortunately retired due to technical issues But i will be adding all the pictures and any videos who come up, so Enjoy Bizz with a Fan
  7. because Rolf Harris on a serious note grundy as much as me and others might give a little dig youve made the correct and best choice every time there, as it will be the sort of thing she remembers all her life
  8. it will be @*!# but http://youtu.be/rz5U47xGluQ
  9. hope it makes as much difference as mind did made my Z very angry in sound and punch compared with stock
  10. i give it 3 months till it sold for not being as fast as the evo but welcome anyway
  11. We should get these http://www.showoffim...productid=44002 Yes yes we should group buy bitches
  12. Person in some saloon jag s-type or something im doing 70mph they over take at im guessing 80 it was fairly rapid then slow down to 65mph, so i over take at 70 just casually strolling past 2 minutes latter jags passes me at 80 then pulls in and slows to 60-65 again so i pass again at 70 just crawl passed few minutes jags flys past and pulls in and slows down again, this happens from the North Circular to Cambridge on the m11 WHAT THE **** IS YOUR GAME MR JAGUAR DRIVER WHAT!! Also people who sit in the middle lane at 60mph on a motorway for no reason nothing in the lefthand lane, there is a reserved space in hell for you
  13. yea i think i have images of me slamming them into the floor drifting pod and norfolk and they've survived Op must be very unlucky
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