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Everything posted by StevoD

  1. Buy an ebay map with no license fee, please! Genuinely, please! I need some parts for my car, and people selling them off cheaply when their engine blows is a great one as the bodyparts are generally fine. Right as above people moaning the license fee is to much, lets put this into context but first do people know you pay the license once then you can add parts remove parts and get it mapped again without paying the license fee again, do see people moaning there paying £145 for a tv license every year but any way £200 per car thats covering uprevs machanics uprevs research techs uprevs development techs uprevs support techs uprevs manufacturing staff Uprev test drivers uprev admins taff uprev finance staff uprev receptionists uprevs site costs ie insurance, land tax etc Uprevs Travel costs for visiting all these tuning garages around the world to try and sell there product Uprevs training courses Uprevs entry into places like sema and other auto-cons Uprev buying/renting Nissan and infinity cars with all sorts of engine etc for testing Uprevs trading license Uprevs advertising/sponsorship deals uprevs dyno equipment Uprevs Ramps and tools plus more and ontop of that making sure there is enough left in the pot for the shareholders
  2. how you going to run Microsoft office without a PC honestly im intrigued you can buy the up-rev with the data cables and software to load on to your own PC, and if its the license fee then whys everyone quoting £400 for it is alot when its actually only £200 Bottom line if you dont like the price dont buy it ,
  3. Can we Ban this type of topic in future please people moaning at the price every week getting very tedious right lets work this in reverse £402 - VAT @20% = £335 £335 - uprev license needed per every ECU to crack it of £200 = £135 £135 - estimate on a basis of 2 hours in the work shop (mine was about 3 and a half) works out at about £67 per hour to be honest that seem very fair and well priced and anyone saying "But my Revo map for my 1.8t leon cost less and got more your pointing the obvious its turbocharged car and the engine was used in thousands of hot hatch model with a customer base which is about 10,000% larger than the 350z customer base, and all they do is download a map which add more fuel and boost to a safe level they dont tune it and tweak it to each car that comes threw the workshop
  4. he said 19s but there plenty of tasty 19"s here http://www.tarmacsportz.co.uk/varrstoen2.aspx
  5. Does that say nismo on that rota?
  6. Ahhh but you see every hooker is different (see what I did there Steve) Some are pretty and perform in amazing ways £700 Some are god damn awful and perform like a retarded dog £50 and a free STI. Each car is different, ok marginally different, but still my map could be slightly different than another revup car. Mileage differences, could play a factor in this. I don't think its THAT expensive, unless you get a tuner that charges way more than another but with a lesser result with the figures. Wait what I get a free Subaru where do I sign up
  7. And if you can do 113 the police won't chase you regardless even if it's rush hour
  8. Hi there.......why is your car limited to 112 ? Sorry to ask or have I missed something. Also is the DE engine maxed out at 155 or limited to 155 ? Anyone's thoughts please Cheers Jdm import
  9. yea it seems same topic different week a lot recently Cheap cars now, people buy them for not much and want other things done for not much too, unfortunately nothing decent is cheap for these cars dont think for any car you can get something that is truly decent and truly cheap tho, and as i always say you build two cars one with volks tein brides cucsco etc then build a car with the cheer costs or version ie rota apex omp summit racing etc it will never looks as good drive as good or feel as special as the other car built with end stuff you get what you pay for I got Rotas, does that make me cheap Didn't Say rotas were bad just imagine how much better would be with some nice wide ce28n lol
  10. yea it seems same topic different week a lot recently Cheap cars now, people buy them for not much and want other things done for not much too, unfortunately nothing decent is cheap for these cars dont think for any car you can get something that is truly decent and truly cheap tho, and as i always say you build two cars one with volks tein brides cucsco etc then build a car with the cheer costs or version ie rota apex omp summit racing etc it will never looks as good drive as good or feel as special as the other car built with end stuff you get what you pay for
  11. yea it seems same topic different week a lot recently
  12. or as i know it will come up focus rs/vag 1.8t remap guy who plugs in a map for a bit more boost downloads it to the ecu then give you the car back
  13. the bottom line of it and any trading is this a supplier can sell item X for what ever they want if the public buy item X at that price then the supplier is winning if your not happy to pay cost Y for item X but everyone else is maybe you need to reevaluate why people will and you wont pay that much 2 out comes you will think everyone else is stupid or more money than sense or you will realize it for what everyone else does and call fair game and purchase it
  14. its like saying why does a hooker cost me £700 a night yet i walk away with nothing physically new, yet i can spend £700 on a pc to watch porn and actually have something at the end one your paying for several hours/weeks/years expertise in there field maybe with some expense equipment, the other your getting a product which can be used to do something hope that makes sense or the difference of going to MacDonald for burger or going to a famous chefs place for a burger macdonolds is the kwik fit, famous chef is the remap guy with decades of history behind them, you dont get a £1.49 cheeseburger in a famous persons restaurant
  15. My first session running Fresh 265 tyres on the rear
  16. curious on the drive outs do you do what piston heads do on there run? if the group gets broken up the rule is you wait at the next junction till the car behind arrives then they do the same so you alway no what way they car infront went
  17. passed a few roads down from my house i went to give the cyclists some abuse sorry i mean support
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