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Everything posted by StevoD

  1. Please don't stop Ian!! Think your the only one bar Tarmac Chris & Mitz who actually uses my real name. ...and they have to for the debit card payments. Arghh you've just released my name onto the forum. I mean, Ian.. Who's Ian? Whoops. My bad. Don't worry I'm sure someone will come up with some sort of clever nick name for you soon that will stick like superglue and everyone will forget your real name. we do hes Nicolas
  2. well the car aint done @*!# for me in 2 years Maybe grund will have more luck
  3. look what youve started again Aliveboy
  4. Poor Grundy Wait Grundy why you carrying that rope up a tree
  5. Silly Moutwash, Why else would he have GM in his username? GrahaM i just thought he really liked chevrolets
  6. There are plenty more where they came from Just kinda funny as you're the king of 'I don't know what to do please help me' threads. i can see where this is going
  7. i think no one notice none of these cars had no brembos
  8. trust us learn from grunds mistake
  9. Well arent you a little ray of sunshine the morning
  10. granter there 3sdm version the LC might be diffrent
  11. http://3sdm.co.uk/collection/collection-001.htm
  12. arrr Whackywill your a motorsport kinda guys tell who do you think is going to be at the top of the next round of the BPSTC Eon Or Scottish power
  13. Lets open a new can of worms. It's not road tax, it's "vehicle excise duty" road tax finished in the 1930's. Any way mr dedman is to blame for this
  14. Jobs a good un I don't mind ANYONE on the roads whatever they ride/drive as long as a. They are respectful of others b. They don't don't get in my way * if the rider/driver is female with big tits then ignore the above Hello Dave
  15. noooo its all come to an end as your turned up this could have been brilliant
  16. I wasn't actually referring to your post mate regarding that comment, anyway what i mean is that with a piece of software you buy the license and you have full control of that particular bit of programming, but with the up-rev (at least with a straight remap, and to a similar degree with the full software) you buy a license and the remap but have no further access to that software, and i know that the license gives up to three remaps for each license, and like i said when i considered buying the software/license i was put off by the fact that if i wanted to use it on another car that i owned i would still have to buy further license's. is that right as i know abbey bought some licenses back didnt they why couldnt you just transfer it
  17. I said they dont pay VED, not they dont pay emissions tax. Mouthwash, I still dont know what youre on about. You have no idea that you mentioned something irrelevant (power stations) as not paying emissions tax (which they do) and then facepalm that they don't pay VehicleED? How many power stations have you seen driving down the road, parking up outside of Co-op and racing around a track? What the actual. They pay their equivalent of VED for their industry, such a strange thing to bring up. OH DO ROCKET SHIPZ PAY VED? NO? WELL THERE WE GO THEN. Have the school holidays started early or something? Well this is Awkward
  18. Most horses and riders ARE insured. They don't have to be by law, but most people don't take the risk as they know they can't afford the vets / repair / legal / hospital bills if something goes wrong. Horse crap isn't a fine like dog crap because it won't ruin your life. Horse crap isn't a fine / sentence like litter because it rots away and isn't killing wildlife or damaging the environment. There have been a few comments about having to dodge horse crap when driving a car / riding a bike. If you dodge crap and crash, you were going too fast, no sympathy. If you don't dodge, hit the crap and crash, you were going too fast, no sympathy. If you don't dodge, hit the crap and are complaining about cleaning your car, you need to get a life... Sh1t happens! Edited: Fixed typo. ive come off a motorbike because of gravel that was randomly dumped at 20mph in a 30 was i going to fast no now my bike ended up on the pavement granted its not a fireblade was a Reiju Rs2nkd so not alot but i think 100kg of bike doing 20mph could hurt someone, so as a result of @*!# on the road two people could in worse case scenario be dead, also it isnt littering so i can now go dump them hedge trimming all on the road and path because it rots away awesome
  19. to be fair it is 100% legal to ride two abreast, but i think there must be a limit as 6-7 feet between them is taking the ****
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