Most horses and riders ARE insured. They don't have to be by law, but most people don't take the risk as they know they can't afford the vets / repair / legal / hospital bills if something goes wrong.
Horse crap isn't a fine like dog crap because it won't ruin your life. Horse crap isn't a fine / sentence like litter because it rots away and isn't killing wildlife or damaging the environment.
There have been a few comments about having to dodge horse crap when driving a car / riding a bike. If you dodge crap and crash, you were going too fast, no sympathy. If you don't dodge, hit the crap and crash, you were going too fast, no sympathy. If you don't dodge, hit the crap and are complaining about cleaning your car, you need to get a life... Sh1t happens!
Edited: Fixed typo.
ive come off a motorbike because of gravel that was randomly dumped at 20mph in a 30 was i going to fast no now my bike ended up on the pavement granted its not a fireblade was a Reiju Rs2nkd so not alot but i think 100kg of bike doing 20mph could hurt someone, so as a result of @*!# on the road two people could in worse case scenario be dead,
also it isnt littering so i can now go dump them hedge trimming all on the road and path because it rots away awesome