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Everything posted by StevoD

  1. and i give the elise a bad time for being ugly
  2. maybe its the OEM spoiler, i cant figure out why it doesn't look right can you get a picture from a distance at a normal angle?
  3. something looks really off with this, the end plates dont look right at all also the supports/legs seem a lot lot more spread than on any other Z i have seen with the 200 drag wing,
  4. unlike me to get on a soap box but i think conversation is good but this is starting to become a bit bullyish I mean David can believe in what he needs or want to as long as it isn't hurting you why keep digging? The time spends arguing the fact is wasting time spend doing what you want with the time you have, ultimately the Atheists should take the most note of that. If David believes in an afterlife he has all the time in the world to argue as people who believe you rot in the ground your time is limited.
  5. I can't seem to remove the videos from my signature just the text?
  6. I watched the film about the floods. Evan Almighty I don't think it was the first boat made.. Sorry couldn't help myself
  7. JESUS CHRIST WHATS HAPPENED TO MY SIGNATURE......HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. @ekona Well thats the date of Si Stag do maybe its a sign
  9. speak with clarke he can get you them new i think about £50-60 a side
  10. What mods were you running at the time? 275 mpss 2 way diff cat back exhaust everything else would have slowed it down had i have had it stripped out a bit more lightweight wheels and a less less dodgy gearbox i reckon a 13.5/6 was possible on that day
  11. 13.7 @ 102 is my PB at pod Edit stand corrected it was 101
  12. Hello everyone here is part 1 of my coverage of mine and ekonas Le Mans trip, Make sure you hit subscribe to get notified when the following parts go live
  13. Distance covered on track would still count towards your limited mileage. I appreciate the insurance does not cover for track use but there is no practical way of proving what mileage was done where etc. Regards Dan i guess i just take pictures and record the dates just incase then. Also im not sure who the girl was i was speaking to but was she talking from a script when telling here about the uprev she kept asking me what stage my ca rwas mapped to was it stage 1 or stage 2 or 3 etc she couldn't quite grasp that this isnt a golf or a focus with a revo tune
  14. You and me both. Just got in from a 9 mile bike ride with picnic with my 2 daughters and I'm sniffing and crying like a baby. The wife keeps suggesting I blow my nose like it'll help lol. i have a special hate for people who tell me to blow my nose when my hayfever is playing up
  15. today has been ****ing terrible for me cant stop nose and eyes running
  16. diff overflow possibly? check passenger side of the rear sub frame for fluid
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