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Everything posted by StevoD

  1. Remove all 6 ignition coils that interesting one
  2. Or find your Ex who ended it with you for no reason a week ago riding one of your mates Even better, live game of bukaroo, jump on and see how long you can hang in there! lets just say what followed wasnt one of my finest moments You put it up his bum didnt you... errrr lol if by 'it' you mean breakerbar but no not bum luckily my actual friends stopped me from doing anything in the moment of red mist
  3. Or find your Ex who ended it with you for no reason a week ago riding one of your mates Even better, live game of bukaroo, jump on and see how long you can hang in there! lets just say what followed wasnt one of my finest moments
  4. If aimed at me, its in Temper Orange and is in reasonable condition although usual road rash is evident, but given the colour it will be a respray for the vast majority no sorry it was aimed at you haha curious what the op actually looking for
  5. Or find your Ex who ended it with you for no reason a week ago riding one of your mates
  6. my friends tent did the same, so i ended up sharing a double blow up bed with him in my tent.................nothing like that before any of you start
  7. cant say i have, are your engine mounts shot?
  8. I know these wheels are gone but I still have to disagree with this to some point due to my own personal feelings. The reason I don't agree with the buyer arranging their own courier is because it's so much hassle finding out times etc when the seller might be in, plus if the courier requires sizes and weights then the seller has to take those anyway and inform the buyer. It's just mush easier for the seller to take any measurements required and get an online quote and then inform the buyer who can pay the additional costs. That way the seller can decide which time slots suit them etc, rather than the buyer having to get MORE info and then maybe having to make more contact to change it due to that time slot not being available etc etc. just my 2 pence worth thinks its more of a total loss thing is the seller sell and ships hes responsible till in the hands of the buyer (shipping company loose £1k of wheel he has to refund it and chase the claim with company, and get a @*!# name on the forum as people jump on the scam wagon) if the seller sells but on the grounds of (exworks) once the item is collected its not his responsibility so if the wheels get lost in transit/damage the buyer seller has no responsibility, same as how alot of manufacturing company work once its on the lorry its not there problem so if the lorry burns crashes etc it doesn't have to replace the order FOC
  9. yea you can but smallest ticket is £30 for sat and sun which makes no sense as its the same price fore the Fri-sun ticket
  10. nope there already there hidden under the carpet for baby seat or something
  11. took me two people and about 4 hours my advise would be get the two pillar bolts in a few threads first then man handle the floor ones and i mean man handle then tighten them up evenly
  12. Have fun with the fitting im sure we will hear from you soon
  13. im not going to lie i love the colour alot but having the skirts/spats/spoiler black still kinda make its look like this to me, just look like you ran out of money and couldnt afford to get the kit colour matched
  14. im going to guess nearside front as im 99% thats a wheel arch liner
  15. Bradders there not alot of dollar but look at japan racing wheel you can get them from tarmac and there cheaper than a used set of rotas
  16. germans won me £19 so im happy
  17. Z weekend at billing just up road from pod so do a day there with autocross/drift/drag (like suprapod but zedpod)? get all the Z clubs involved show and shine event with music in the evening https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yIXiJtbWJPA
  18. im in talks with herbies in melbourn for a meet guys
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