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Everything posted by StevoD

  1. when you coming for a play with me bizz and dedman?
  2. I said #nohomo I'm sorry wiffey, didn't think the forum would react like this Maybe you shouldn't show them your pictures
  3. StevoD


    I think people thought that this would be a place to share their stance interests but instead have had to put up with people not interested stick their oar in for no other particular reason than to cause offense (calling something gay / retarded is likely to get peoples goat, it hardly shows an informed opinion). You are right though, it has become too serious in here and maybe it should be left to the hyenas to pick apart. Come stance guys, let's make a new thread where we can all circle jerk over cars with tyres tucked into the arch. As Irfan has said actually read back, I didn't agree with certain words, but a bit like the N word you can't use a word like in BGW then moan about other people using it can you? Sent from the golf club... Is see what your saying but that's what there sold as on driftworks and japspeed so it a bit diffrent like hooker headers and hooker prostitutes
  4. You make it sound like a pole on a pino is bad idea
  5. StevoD


    No I was talking about the cars that mike had posted pics of. And I said that several times afterwards Geez..... looking back threw it you seem to have tried to pick me up on my replys to that other guy, other than the using your statement against you, everything been direct elsewhere so if you felt i was directing at you i wasn't
  6. StevoD


    But these cars aren't like that. They're more like guys wearing high heels cos they look pretty gay I'd rather my mrs wore trainers than be in a civil partnership im talking about all Stanced car in that quote and your reply, to me that says you dont like stanced cars, and all stance cars 'look pretty gay'
  7. StevoD


    This is a forum, an open diacussion place, as long as nobody is personal or rude then everyone can post wherever and whatever they like surely Sent from the golf club... surely going off-topic is an issue someone's talking about an exhaust fault then someone pops up reviewing there new zannusi washing machine could be a bit annoying to say the least
  8. StevoD


    the thread was made for the appreciation/sharing of stance, if you dont like it dont open it, for an example if i didnt like sunset i wouldnt go in the 'show us your sunset' thread talking @*!# about them
  9. StevoD


    back on topic some bmw stance
  10. StevoD


    He's not talking about his own car just as an FYI, he's defending the stance scene. I'm a bit lost now though to be honest, did you have a problem with the cars in this thread? This! i used to run slammed cambered and tucking tyre few years back but there guys on here who have stanced cars Almeida1234 Recco parello Buster Toner and im sure a few hidden in the projects, so you've insulted all these guys plus more in this forum by saying 'stance' (you can say your not calling all stance car, but looking at first page when people said it it was a blanket decision only when i and others pointed a few things out it changed) cars are 'pointless' 'gay' '@*!#' 'broken' 'retarded' If its cool for you to insult there car don't upset when your own logic is reverted backwards like someone said (sorry i cant recall your name) if you don't like stance don't open a topic about it and bitch, a topic was opened on stance for people to share and appreciate stanced cars and all it was was a handful of people slating it if you want to bitch about it hit the new topic thread with the title 'i think these cars are dumb' post pictures and point out how they ruined there cars because they have done more than a stubby and spacers . i look forward to seeing my car in your future dumb car thread being ripped to bits
  11. StevoD


    no honestly i think its funny with someone who had deep side skirts and a stock front bumper to state award winning show cars are bad but like you say its cool to insult and call other peoples cars @*!#, so its all goooooooooooood
  12. StevoD


    i though you establish it was ok to called people taste or mods 'gay', dont worry mate im not calling you gay just your barryboy mods, its cool because its the car not you
  13. ^^ must be a personally joke as im sure thats a saab
  14. StevoD


    just compared them with your Sig thats all incomplete bodykits and what i assume are halfords Msw Rs-5 Wheels could be wrong im not up on that market of wheels
  15. car had a wet dream whos zeds you been around latly
  16. StevoD


    pffft no Spacers rubbish
  17. StevoD


    i cant see anywere i or anyone said you have no choice but to like it
  18. StevoD


    something for you
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