I think people thought that this would be a place to share their stance interests but instead have had to put up with people not interested stick their oar in for no other particular reason than to cause offense (calling something gay / retarded is likely to get peoples goat, it hardly shows an informed opinion).
You are right though, it has become too serious in here and maybe it should be left to the hyenas to pick apart.
Come stance guys, let's make a new thread where we can all circle jerk over cars with tyres tucked into the arch.
As Irfan has said actually read back, I didn't agree with certain words, but a bit like the N word you can't use a word like in BGW then moan about other people using it can you?
Sent from the golf club...
Is see what your saying but that's what there sold as on driftworks and japspeed so it a bit diffrent like hooker headers and hooker prostitutes