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Everything posted by StevoD

  1. hey i put pics up bloke came inspected items paid left went home with the items then bitched i ripped him off, if that happens with photos god knows what will happen with out
  2. For sale 1x Car part £monies sold as seen 3 weeks later i just dont get why know ones buying my car parts there a good price
  3. school bus near me rolled over no one killed tho thankfully
  4. theres replicas about
  5. StevoD


    ive heard about them and they make me think of max power USC circa 2006
  6. i think selling a rocket bunny kit is punishable by death is it not
  7. O right well just for your future records i prefer battle stance to excessive camber smash the floor stance, hence diffusers and BGW of mine
  8. how many points? how many years with a full license? any history with a RWD car before? any accidents linked with you your fault or not? sometime garage actually increases over a drive dunno why but it has done in the past?
  9. postcode job driving history points etc at 21 my 350z was £1500
  10. think this is youtube link
  11. talk to the bloke who thinks hes funny
  12. battle stance?? as below?? i dont recall anyone talking about this sub culture or tell anyone they were uneducated about it? i mean look at that s2000 hes tucking tyre and on a track
  13. Really? i cant once think about the subject of rocket bunny coming up 25 times, i also don't remember anyone being called uneducated on the subject of rocket bunny, But if you know more about rocket bunny than the rest of us im sure we would all love to hear.
  14. o but it does [Edit- its ben sopra so its not rocket bunny kit]
  15. I may claim dibs, been keeping an eye on it since Stevo 1st showed me it. Let me know at a later date when you know more im game for a full replica kit when its available let me know
  16. secret battle stance, rocket bunny, extreme aero street cars fans be like
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