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Everything posted by StevoD

  1. Could you send me over some prices please bud, Gear box and also Clutch+GB so I can send her some prices and see what she wants to do. so how did she break it? sound like needs more practice with a shift stick
  2. silly question but whats the major difference between a dc5 and ep3 gearbox
  3. Hold on you love shitting on your door step, from what i recall
  4. why do they look so tiny ? colour combo is epic tho good to see someone who doesn't go BAHHHHHHH
  5. dunno how it compares price wise but the new Yaris is nice car to drive and frugal id say quality feels better than the VAG brand although every magazine seem to this there the best thing since sliced bread just any thing Toyota avoid Steven Eagells like the plague
  6. why you not getting the Lime JR3s yet then
  7. i bet my bottom dolla they go black shadow chrome or silver but here some interesting colours granted most wont work on a standard car
  8. get a price from these company's then see how a dealer can beat it
  9. More to the point, I havent seen one of these T shirts since about 2004: Where did he get it from? Not a former member of SXOC or ZXOC is he as I dont remember anyone else selling them?? Quite a few people sell them: https://www.google.c... insane t shirt FFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU
  10. according to google there a fair few places selling insane(nissan) t shirts
  11. Like a £10 I think rip off what difference does it make to them Insurance there is none tho you sign a disclaimer to say if i die it my own fault?
  12. Funny you say that my time in the honda Scene going to meets like Mimms etc it was always the EP3 boys doing wheel spins bouncing the limiter ragging around the car part not he integras or the Ek9 or any of the FN cars, i dunno what it is about the EP3 that just brings the chav out in people
  13. Like a £10 I think rip off what difference does it make to them
  14. Yes, Yes we are, on another note i need to get my wing on ASAP as thats looks mega with the wheel now
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