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Everything posted by StevoD

  1. Really wow i need to clean in there
  2. Car looked sweet, love the blue in the sunset! Coldel's R33's engine bay is stunning too! What about my bay its purttty to right?
  3. i know means anyone less than that had no excuses really
  4. hey i drove 100 miles each way now its your turns
  5. ^^ that looks smart with the black roof
  6. Forgot to say nice meeting you guys, ive forgot names already other than Steve i remember that fine, i wonder why
  7. i think the rays have the tapered seats for the nuts so aftermarket ones work fine, i dont think the normal touring ones are tho so i dont think they would work
  8. i want new wheels now mine looks crap now
  9. Because Stance, BGW, Drifting ,MPSS, Spacers JDM brakes, and a handlful of other topics we get wrong
  10. Sorry if that came across wrong Dan but nothing was directed at you, your username was mentioned once as an example and i think that example or statement is true "To be honest ive got to a point where i know what ever i post i will have either one of you, ekona, Docrwa, GMB, LARFAN and a few others state that my opinion or what ive posted is wrong," thats it nothing more nothing less, im not going to speak for others but im sure im not the first to notice it Again i haven't gone off one for no apparent reason you posted yours views that its now @*!# and i gave my reason and observations why i think you now feel that way, The patronizing thing to me seems your moving the goal, and trying to force me and everyone to believe taht im the person doing so for the second time as you didn't want to acknowledge what i said in that post, New Zedder post that hes had fun turning it off then within 10 post hes got people saying he better turn it on if he wants to keep it, to me that's patronizing, Not sure if maybe you feel a bit insulted as you thought i was implying you said it, but i didn't say you said it . Not sure where you think ive been patronizing, if its regards to the "is it the right car for you" comment im not the only one to say it, Other than the post replying to your comments which were directed towards me or you wouldn't have bought it up for a no reason i sure, i cant see anything personal? If you think that post was just about this thread it wasn't its regarding the whole forum, and yea it has turned @*!#, its feels so hostile to post anything as below you get excused of trying to act like starting WW4 so in not the only one that posts something other than the Well Trodden routes and get accused of trying to start an argument, as that's the easiest way of belittling you?
  11. thats very nice and i wonder if it would mount to a Zed well
  12. apologies that they are raw haven't really got time to postwork them so enjoy
  13. Dave you GMB made a few points which i want to give my opinion on as it feels like it was pointed towards me, there not meant as a insult just my observations im sure you will have yours I haven't been on here a year yet Dave but it's definitely changed a little since I joined some 9-10months ago. Ive been here 2 years now and where i can see its changed people are doing things out of the expected old trodden roads, and people from before have to make there opinion known Maybe some people just aren't getting enough loving in their lives or something but definitely feel like some are more confrontational then they need to be even over silly little things which is a shame. as above i think this is down to the golden oldies love there old well written ways of Zed ownership, yet with a next generation of owners coming in times are a changing as is the way people own zeds, and when you've got one group saying it needs to be done this way and the other going no im doing it my way and it goes back and forth and heated, maybe im wrong but the confrontation comes from the older generation telling the younger guys what they 'should' be doing because they dont like the BGW or the stretched tyres on BMW wheels or people using it to smoke tyres. I haven't been on here a year yet Dave but it's definitely changed a little since I joined some 9-10months ago. Maybe some people just aren't getting enough loving in their lives or something but definitely feel like some are more confrontational then they need to be even over silly little things which is a shame. Yep too many people thinking their way is the only way and treating other opinions or actual experience as a fight Again it goes back and forth, person 1 says option a, person b says option 2, then person 1 gives reason why person 2 is wrong then person 2 gives his reason hes right then his reason why person 1 is right loads of pages and it eventually cools down, but again seem the older generation dont like what the youngers are doing tell them its wrong then youngers disagree, To be honest ive got to a point where i know what ever i post i will have either one of you, ekona, Docrwa, GMB, LARFAN and a few others state that my opinion or what ive posted is wrong, you tell me im wrong im going to give reason im i think right, and i think im entitled to as are you the other way around? maybe people didn't return the posts before? All these threads have been done to death before, I just like to make sure if its an opinion thing then both sides get equal discussion, thats not an argument its what a forum should be all about Again something that to a degree needs putting in practise, like the tyre thread people gave there opinion on what was a good tyre and i gave my opinion that you dont need these tyres then 8 pages of people telling me im wrong , Another thing which is interesting is opinion and giving it is fine along as what goes with it is worthy, taking the yellow 350z on the stance thread a member ask what it is as he likes it and your reply in other words was it looks crap nothing worthy in that your entitled to your opinion but doesn't really bring anything to the table for this guy and he didnt ask for peoples opinions he just wanted to know what it was. which again from someone fresh to the forum seems a bit negative as in what's the point in asking stuff as all i get is someone telling me its @*!# Maybe it's the hot weather Maybe its time change like fashion people opinions differ and if one person is allowed to give theirs why cant someone give there opposed opinion with out the original person telling them there wrong, yes i will say im guilty to this but there is a good handle full of Regular visiting members who do the same but are maybe a bit to self proud to admit it,
  14. Missed mine and mouthwash long await punch up
  15. Just another note I drive without it on as the way my car is set up with large arb Harness bar coilover etc if I pull out of a junction with a a lot of camber it can lift one of the rear wheels enough so it spins vdc cuts in and I sit in the junction for a few seconds as a sitting duck
  16. ive missed so much today Disclaimer : below is My opinion and its just a valid as yours, also this isnt aimed at those that go i dont see the point in turning it off its for those that seem to have the impression its dangerous etc I am not safe to fly a helicopter so i dont i am not safe to drive a train so i dont i am not safe to ride a horse so i dont If you dont feel safe in a car you should maybe be asking is this the right car for me? 60mph at 20% throttle is the same with or without TCS, In fact in wet/cold weather having full control to power a slide straight, rather than it getting side ways oppo lock on then traction control cut in and you dart of into a bush could be more dangerous Stating people shouldn't touch it if they want to keep there Z or it will hurt there Wallet is a load of tosh and rather patronising, Just because you don't feel confident to control it doesn't mean everyone is that way, so dont talk down to people. Ekona Spursmaddave Mouthwash other who seem to like being opposite from me i await your reply
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