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Everything posted by StevoD

  1. Errr? Where did you get that from. Also nothing wrong with asking for advice, that's the first step to the right path surely. Why berate someone for trying to seek help. I got it from my book called "Obvious Things" Do you think eating a pasta bake late at night then toast before bed helps or hinders weight loss? eating just before bed can help weight loss... just not a pasta bake!!!!! not sure where i said i was having it late if you wanna no its usually about 5:15pm
  2. erm i throw mine about sideways with smoking pouring off the back not sure i should treat my body the same
  3. when i was promoted i dont go out as much and doing 14 hour shifts non stop for 3 months of the year got a bit tiring especially going from the snowy uk/ireland to blazing hot Nigeria then back to the uk then blazing hot Egypt, Although i lost 2 stone in nigeria once in 3 weeks due to the shits, heat and **** all food
  4. which is bizarre as in the states i think they still hold the record for most crashed car
  5. You put the drill on the paintwork and it slipped off on it's own! I just laughed at it doing so SEE your doing it now
  6. When im not in the office this, althought this is our Thailand team not my team
  7. just dont clean in general the car not yourselfs,
  8. surprised you didnt try to sell me some engine cleaner
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