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Everything posted by StevoD

  1. stuff like tortilla wraps yes i know its got carbs etc in but better or worse than brown bread?
  2. friend of mine dont this to his civic actually made a big difference he reckoned, http://www.wanganwarriors.com/spotted-k20-powered-honda-civic/
  3. got 3-4 grand? or make a flat floor yourself
  4. i guess i best never use my car with Kenda, nexen, infinity tyres on track, again.
  5. Shame they will come back and think 'OH no my cars will a have been damaged' from that nissan riff raff
  6. Thanks guys for all your input which has been a great help in getting me to my short list of three. I have to say that the most difficult and personal mod to choose on any car has to be the wheels. Let me know what you think. 1.SSR GTT Vo3 Wow erm so whos the rip of guy here BBS RI
  7. Rays are a brand of wheel manufacture and grundy doesnt have a clue either
  8. still had that popcorn and ham and cheese roll tho
  9. well i feel smug with my self no RB and about 1.5 liters of chilled water so far today
  10. ill take my ribeye salad but without the green bits
  11. Got an issue with my brake,s in the sense of if you brake to like 10 or 5mph ,as you lift the pedal up the pedal follows but quickly gets thud threw it braking from 60-30 for example is fine its almost as if something on the servo is being pushed forward and then when releasing coming back is hitting the bulk head but iv taken the bonnet off and tested and cant see anything moving cant find a video doing it tho as Clunking seems to mean grinding in american
  12. need to know if i cant get a good friends non nissan on stand
  13. i remember seeing these adevrtised some tie back or this also not that much of a good idea i know it depends what you get http://www.graze.com/uk
  14. How about exchanging the usual bag of Walkers with some carrots? Alright Baby steps Baby steps i mean i know the answer is just a eat a salad all the time , but its not that easy for me
  15. but other than shouting salad at me i dont know good food choic,e or things to exchange i got these rather than you typical pack of walkers, good or bad?
  16. So the main thing to remove is sugar/carbohydrates something with 12.1 grams of Carbohydrate and 3.3g of which sugars iss that very bad
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