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Everything posted by StevoD

  1. fly eye just makes your headlights look dirty tho
  2. Na, just you Matt What can I say....looks good in a dress Who? Me, you or SMD?? One way to find out so thats why your want to get in shape Wales 2015 swimsuit competition?
  3. to be honest tho in the future we will be able to eat dinner, reply to emails ,get dressed etc etc on the way to work as the cars will drive themself
  4. But it now or auctions?
  5. Individual posts for the 6 entrants - Amy is No.5 Must be me then there text but no pictures
  6. welcome im occasionally drifting down at kings lynn
  7. Why is Amys pictures missing from the opening posts? or is it me
  8. Sure it not from dedmans buckle or something when you had fun in the woods
  9. Maybe the wing nearly took there head off
  10. notbeen playing with that girl with the crazy ex
  11. drop out im not sure whos the drop out king yet you or grundy think your even atm Thats his passenger, not him. then its you then
  12. drop out im not sure whos the drop out king yet you or grundy think your even atm
  13. and firework show on saturday night although i will probs miss it this year
  14. i wont be needing my stand pass for my support car anymore just the 1 for my z will still need both tickets tho
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