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Everything posted by StevoD

  1. Thanks but I know arrrr sweet love
  2. ill have a word with JDm register to see if they can accommodate you if you want
  3. they keep telling me to buy some from you on social media haha
  4. says the guy with gulf colour racing graphics on his car Martini And they're gone now too :p what been seen cannot be unseen
  5. Did that include having a fag break and tea in between? took me 2 clips and a bolt lol. done. no it included removing the maf from the airbox and linking it to a new air filter, and included cleaning up time of tools etc did it in darkness with a light from a phone
  6. easy as pie think it took me 15 minutes all n
  7. says the guy with gulf colour racing graphics on his car
  8. if i was a mod right now id be trolling like hell with your post count
  9. No No No keep up man!!!!! I have a charged 370z and The Frogster ( An MNR Vortx with an R1 engine) The charged 350z has gone The wife has a nearly standard 05 350z Roadster Thats it - well nearly o i knew the 350 was for sale didn't know it had officially gone now, and nearly what else you got stashed away
  10. so you have this a charger 350z AND a charged 370z Are you a drug dealer
  11. that why you keep asking for naked selfies of myself on facebook
  12. like them getting within £100 of the rrp Is that a bargain? i dunno. not by my book
  13. Not our fault a Lada Priora with a Bgw slammed to the floor with wheels out arches on Nexen tyres is alot better than any Jag This confuses me, o wait complete tool so 99% tool would qualify makes sense and just for you (ps i know its a game)
  14. Still 4k a year, even grundys not made that
  15. like them getting within £100 of the rrp
  16. speak with Abbey motorsport, Horsham developments, rs tuning the forum is full of info on it id say the highest ranking thing so have a search , but now be prepared for the slaughter
  17. Flex just wait for Grundy in the Talent show section
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