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Everything posted by StevoD

  1. any added on trim in other than black/carbon or colour coded 99% of the time looks nasty you can have them black bits with silver wheels tho its no illegal
  2. o yea i dont think ive ever denied that they last longer but if i want a/c/b but X is the best going at twice the cost, there is possibly a reason ive shortlisted A/B/C and i would guess in 95% of case its money backed, not all of us are gifted enough to have new 911 and jags on MPSS tyres Trax(silvertsone) will be interesting tho with me on Nexen, grundy on Nankangs and Dedman on Infinity tyres, see if we can prove that driving fast on these doesn't end in disaster
  3. i did notice and im proud of you but then why are we all in 350z/370z/caymans car lets all go out and buy bmw 1m as thats makes financial sense as there going up in price what are mpss about £900 a set i think i saw someone post, maybe the OP isnt fortunate enough to have £900 right now to get news tyres hence getting the best in his price range as all 3 off them tyres coming in around £450-500 a set be like someone posting up what shall i get a 350z de or 350z de up rev and people saying go a by a 370z he obviously asked "Advise please on kumho/Goodyear's/and falkens." ​so why give advise on something out side of that you point with the exhausts is a good one but when there the same price give or tack £100 fair comment, but when the option being provided outside the criteria is close to if not double the cost of what hes asking about seems useless
  4. Didnt take long for MPSS to come out OP asked for which of the 3 tyres are better so people start telling him how a forth tyre is miles better, he didnt ask bout mpss he wants to know what the best out of his short list, Hi can you tell me whats better a vauxhall, ford, or VW NA MATE GET BENTLEY LOADS BETTER
  5. change them to silver will look tacky as @*!#
  6. rear could come down an inch tho ash
  7. although im a cycnical ****er and it was found out only 7% in 2012 of ALS income went to research and 10% went to wages but i guess the its the way you look at it that changes you, 7% of a million compared with 7% of 80 million, My sister has a case called Wolfram syndrome aka DIDMOAD, which basically given here diabetes and is making her more blind every day and a life expectancy of about 40, i would love to see the research going into this but as im guessing maybe 1-5 people on this entire forum might have heard of it. so about the same amount into donation and research is given http://youtu.be/KTMK18JVIZs
  8. Yea karma has decided it's my turn to get wet
  9. might have to steel that set up
  10. thing is driverless cars will ruin the car industry, Whats the point of a 500 plus super saloon over a little toyota iq when all cars will accelerate brake and do thy same they will be a need for 1 car manufacture
  11. I wonder how long it would be before criminals use the tweets/posts from it to aid them in hijackings Hi mom on the corner of this street in my new Audi Or how long before you have a tweet blah blah blah and you. Know it says posted by iPhone or what ever, get post by navdy that will stand up well in court for driving with out due care and attention or you have a crash in the same minute you posted bee intresting if insurance pays out
  12. yep good stuff , all i have is a news feed full of people putting buckets of water over there head for no reason
  13. I'm going to have to buy a jag for a daily so I can sign up and feel the love
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