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Everything posted by StevoD

  1. GrunDy there is still Trax and with me you and dedman on ditch finders we are guaranteed to become famous
  2. just to confirm i still have 2 tickets 1 stand pass and the track session to my name?
  3. and a good hugging bucket seat and a harness
  4. so your saying these tyres outlast any tyre on sale in the EU?
  5. again i said this and got the same comment of yea but it could be what stops you having a crash, didnt seem to sink in that if the difference of tyre is what is going to save you from an accident your possibly driving incorrect for the conditions in the first place
  6. as I said in my first post they are the leading tyre at the moment. Would I pay for them on any of my previous sports cars not just my jag. No I'm sure they make the most of the car and its ability, but as 90% of people don't even drive there cars on here to even 70% of the cars ability. And that probably 80% of this forum no longer has the kind of money that people used to have on here. Its like preaching about touring cars when most on here can only dream of banger racers. And yes I tried my mates M3 with them on i fully agree with you mate, but that point isnt valid here, ive made it before and all i got was it could be what stops you from crashing tho
  7. yea shouldnt be hard to miss, although i dont regularly have it out on the streets
  8. You F$@# On the plus side you will be saving a generation Saving or enslaving
  9. The robots just grow it all, for everyone. It'll be like Star Trek, team humanity. so whos going to pay for the robots or the materials to grow food No economy so no need to pay for them Robots grow on trees do they
  10. right most people will ironically start donating or care for a cause once a close one has had cancer how many people get cancer these days 15-16 million a year the amount of people ever recorded with didmoad is is around the 500,000 mark so going by what youve said cancer should get 320 times more donations than wolfram syndrome support group, so by that noone one should donate to didmoad because noone in comparison is effected by it, and that because people arnt effect because of it they shouldn't donate to it ? i guess what im saying is my sister should die blind at 30 because people like you dont give a **** about it
  11. The robots just grow it all, for everyone. It'll be like Star Trek, team humanity. so whos going to pay for the robots or the materials to grow food
  12. well yea and no, going back to my sister and here DIDMOAD its such a rear disorder that they amount of people dont know about it and therefor it doesn't mean anything to 99% of the population So in that term my sister syndrome doesn't deserve @*!# in regards to donations compared with cancer because more people are aware of cancer?
  13. is it wrong i assume that is how ekonda and SMD look like
  14. true but if this brings in what is it now for als on the last count $80 million, whats the real harm
  15. my point exactly maybe us youngsters see things differently
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