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Everything posted by StevoD

  1. Enjoy Also would like some feedback on what you would like to see more of in these types of video
  2. Just go buy a cayman or a gt86 and a sprintex supercharger
  3. Find me an original Elise that runs 13.7 1/4s
  4. id avoid ekona he's a typical Essex chav with a bright orange car with a massive spoiler on the back
  5. not sure if I'm surprised or disappointed to see it got the coyote from the Mustang Edit: looks like a few bits of switch gear and trim are from the ford parts bin
  6. looks like a lexus lc500 and amg gt got on it in the stationary cupboard
  7. that SJ7 star doesnt look to bad tbh
  8. My views on it are you get what you pay for. Tbh that footage from the raft looks ****ing terrible. I have played with budget cameras from £120 1080p stuff back in 2008 and Kodaks first 360-degree budget video camera and they were both ****. TBH i don't really rate GoPro footage especially if it was the main source of media for a project if you're just going to mess about with it and never touch it again save your money and go out for a drink or something if you have stuff you want to document you can pick up some good quality point and shoots camera like the g7x etc which will do 100% better job than any 'action' camera
  9. it just looks very, how can I put it................ missionary
  10. Spacers dont make the difference imo
  11. ok I'm trying to find evidence that 350z rays look good, now I don't mean you painted them red or fitted some spacers looking for evidence of cars build with an aggressive look but retain the rays something like this, anyone got anything?
  12. what panel gaps on the white one
  13. i have a pair of 18x9.5 NT03+M if your looking for a pair to drift on
  14. whats the tread like on the front tyres if they are low and you have now put fresh on the rear the ratio difference will have increased
  15. yeah we were up at Driftland for Rd4 unfortunately, didn't get the result we wanted but the information learnt for any future was worth it
  16. End of week 2 nearly still no good news on job front
  17. did my apprenticeship with Marshalls
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