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Everything posted by StevoD

  1. StevoD

    Corvette C6

    i miss my cartman might have to bring him back
  2. ive never had the plot just make it up as i go along
  3. **** clicked quote on wrong post
  4. Opposed to team BGW who always see the best in everything you notice it was reffered to tho just from water over there head and not donating/even saying the charity name
  5. What's not to like, more money the better, and Tesco need all the good publicity they can at the moment Just shows how lazy people are though, could make their own ice and donate the whole £5 they just spent at Tesco does team marks and sparks just go out to find the worst in any situation
  6. you lot will hate this http://news.sky.com/story/1325821/tesco-to-donate-ice-bucket-challenge-profits
  7. It would have been on MySpace instead, or Instagram, or Vine, or Twitter Meh......you know what I mean. If the evil that is social media didn't exist. Money for charity and a bit of fun.....I can't see the problem. Spamming the world to death with videos of it ruins it because every miseryguts and his dog start getting on the moan. how dare these people have fun skydive and raise money from a one off event how dare these people have fun doing a charity run and raise money from a one off event how dare these people have in a bathtub of beans and raise money from one event how dare people cycle across the world and raise money from a one off event curious did any off these negative peoples donate to lydnzz when she did her skydive as she is not doing it ever month same as the raffle that was held at lakez or wales what a horrible way to raise money in a single event
  8. StevoD

    Corvette C6

    My literacy skills are @*!#, but if you going to preach it at least do it. Capital letter for the start of a sentence and a Full stop at the end.
  9. StevoD

    Corvette C6

    Says the person missing a capital G and a full stop
  10. StevoD

    Corvette C6

    Yea my phone likes to auto correct and I'm feed up changing it back so I just leave it now
  11. I love this people are bored of seeing something positive happen
  12. StevoD

    Corvette C6

    Well summed up Entertainment value 9/10 Information value 2/10 Like most treads then
  13. StevoD

    Corvette C6

    they would also know holdens have raced outside aus
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