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Everything posted by StevoD

  1. We already know it's going to rain...I'm out on track. gives me an excuse
  2. tbh the last two years ive still been queing to get in at trax at 9:00-9:30 and they lets us all in but then the organisation of getting all the cars into trax is so @*!#
  3. love that 2 door scoob always fancied 1 just cant justify a p1
  4. StevoD


    using this as an excuse to whore tho
  5. StevoD


    o i cant say then i just changed the fluid and went drifting again haha
  6. StevoD


    My stock Lsd is fine for drifting
  7. So the 200sx was much like the owner then!! well i have let a wet one go a few times in life but wouldnt say loud , fire breathing and im very social
  8. Santa pod don't that should come from the racing organizations unless pod own them
  9. when i went in may drifting it looked the same it did when i first went bar the vip bit and the massive shed down the end ok they might keep the track the well but taking USC at £75 a ticket i think when i went it in 2007 was estimated something like 10,000 people mayeb more went so in one weekend £750,000 of income looking at this years calender there was 20 event like japshow with the average ticket costing £25 a weekend so lets say 5,000 people attended each one that £2,500,000 now DWYB days there 12 each year at £60 something like 50 drivers i think so each year £36000 all the rwyb days there was 26 this year whats entery to that £10? say 30 people do it each time so thats £7800 now the nationals £33 a weekend ticket id guess maybe again around 10,000 all weekend so thats £33,000 the two euro championships the most expensive ticket is £85 two event this year i would again say 10,000 at each estimate so thats £170,000 and theys with out people paying to go down the strip, total income there is what for a year at a guess £3,496,800 a year now lets say half of that is admin insurance upkeep salary etc so maybe £1,748,400 profit each year and dont all the income from the trackside sponsorship cover most the cost of the track upkeep now the ticket prices haven't really changed since 2007 so in 7 years at £1,748,400 is £12,238,800 now for £12m profit a vip portacabin and a storage unit isnt what i would call investment
  10. StevoD

    Corvette C6

    yeap fully agree but i think with team m&s your better off putting this on a postit note and sticking on your ceiling
  11. StevoD

    Corvette C6

    and only £16 a 330ml can
  12. Drift battle to determine the winner That would be awesome. ...even better if followed by a quarter mile & handling course. Best of three events wins. i think thats fair
  13. Santa pod salesman are you now?! Yeah, the pay is terrible. In fact it's non existent santa pod dont seem to invest any money in to anything ever
  14. StevoD

    Corvette C6

    aslong as it comes from waitrose and marks and sparks be fine
  15. i miss my first car a 1989 corolla 1.3 just because it my first i miss my purple civic as thats what really got me into the car scene i miss my 200sx because its was so antisocial with a 3inch straight pipe turbo back loud as hell but sounded like a wet fart did spit flames often tho
  16. im sure you can afford one with you bonus this month maybe use it as a shed when your not needing it
  17. if it isnt some youth council estate chav film like fast and furious i wouldn't know mate sorry
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