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Everything posted by StevoD

  1. what have you done thats that bad to cause someone to spell that out on your bonnet
  2. Hey come on, the 350z isn't perfect but I wouldn't say it is ugly youve not seen mine in person yet
  3. not so 350z makes better drift car
  4. there have what 70-80bhp more than a 350z so thats like 20% more power
  5. ttrs would destroy a 350z
  6. The Zed is a classy car. Feel free to pimp it up, but not too much or you'll end up by looking like a nob. Just sayin classy car?? hmmmm
  7. hard to say with out seeing but my ultralites with et35 needed a 20mm spacer to fit
  8. Bgw Massive over sized wheels Coilovers wound right down to the ground
  9. Driftwork have a tasty range of wheels
  10. How many of you wash your cars each week ?
  11. Which has what to do with a thread about the iPhone 5? O your just upset he said something which doesnt cost more is better
  12. Just charge it up, you ran it down playing with your radio.. Why spend £75 for a battery when its 50p to charge it..!!! +1 Well it could be something else but prob the battery but lets wait and see......................................................................... Back in The Dungeon Flex.. 10/1 its the battery.. ive heard he likes to be humiliated
  13. Could do, ...although with that much weight in the boot you may find it difficult to lose traction. Be good for a straight 72 hours of music goodness though I'm sure. challenge accepted
  14. Your spelling's improved no end Steve ... see, you can do it when you try !
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