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Everything posted by StevoD

  1. unfortunately it comes down to each individual model of wheel,
  2. not that you seen anything happen but poor grundy at side of track
  3. 8 minutes later my phone rang He was lucky I went out at 12:00 got pulled in at 12:04 end of session
  4. Yea Grundys there is a thread on here Engine decided it wanted a career change
  5. Yes mate was such a bummer and it sucked as there isnt a great deal you can do to help once something like that happens, although i am now like a red tomato from sitting by your car all afternoon Glad to hear you got home safe and thanks for keeping us updated, Hopeful this will be one of those time which are a blessing in disguise, just hope father Christmas drops off a Ls motor and box with a full sikkys kit for Christmas, Like i say sorry there wasnt anything i could really do to help, and im sure passing you a few times on the track didnt help But also thanks for giving me the jump to start looking for a beaver tail to start transporting mine to and from drift days
  6. as they have hydraulic lifters it keeps the bonnet open without the risk of the wind blowing it about
  7. you would be surprised where the technology in air bag suspension has gone in the last couple of years, air lift performance make some good performing kits, Also cheers DDay for the piccys on track
  8. Bollocks each supermarket chain will have a contract with one oil company Milton Keynes Tesco won't get shell and Cambridge tesco get bp
  9. I think shell supply Tesco and bp supply Sainsbury
  10. Display Of Vehicle Registration Marks On Imported Vehicles (which have a restricted space for a standard sized number plate) Certain imported vehicles may be permitted to display number plates with smaller characters if the vehicle does not have European Community Whole Vehicle Type Approval AND the vehicle's construction/design cannot accommodate standard size number plates Characters Group 1 Height 64mm Width 44mm Stroke 10mm Space between characters 10mm
  11. did he work for sumo power?
  12. you do realise that leaving the UK would leave England Wales and Northern Ireland not just England as it own country so that doesnt quite work. as the rest would remain under the united kingdom name
  13. Is it safe to put stickers on a vinyl wrapped panel ?
  14. thats the onyl time youll every see two people in a KX suit and a honda suit being friendly with each other
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