I don't think anyone says your stupid etc
Think the point a few are making is at the end of the day no matter where in the world the rich get rich and poor get poorer, a politician is a politician be it in Westminster or China they have one goal look after number 1, and by number one that means there friends and family nothing more
I think some struggle to see the difference in being @*!# on by a Scot or @*!# by a Englishmen the end result of pi**ed off public is the same
Will everyone in Scotland be better off after a yes vote? No they won't it won't stop violence, it won't stop crimes, it won't stop poverty
It won't change the real issue in the world, but if you main goal is to pay less tax or pay more into the future Scottish governments pockets which ever way it goes thats down to you to decided and that's your right but either result wont change the negatives that will happen in a newly reformed Scotland the same ones seen globally
I mean Scotland can easily survive on there own just look what the USA did they became independent in 1776 and still in 2014 They have big issues within there own walls there's a small percentage of people who made the best and the rest are still struggling on the same as the rest of the world, but they've done it and survived,
So yea Scotland is way more than capable of going independent but the fact remains the quality of life will remain the same for 90% of people