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Everything posted by StevoD

  1. theres line? just looks dumped on my phone , fairplay carry on
  2. Not necessarily, ..if she's alone that would be a turn on or if she's with another woman & they both beckon you over. i wonder what the odd of that over having a cheeky with the milkman are tho
  3. thats some @*!# parking by both of ya
  4. Depends what kinda noise if its some panting and moaning a gun could be necessary
  5. Ooooh and are they genuine? Yeap fully legit
  6. really? i dont think Grime has ever been as good as it was mid 2000's with Sway, Kano, Akala Tinnie tempah before the big record deal it just seems full of the older guys ie LB or sway trying to make club tracks which i see the reason but there all @*!# and people like Devlin who i know have been around just aslong but the stuff there releaseing now is nothing on, 'This is my Demo', 'home sweet home' and 'Its not a Rumor' And just because i love these track im going to share it sorry off topic but this thread just made me think of it again
  7. so if i walk around with a door see someone i dislike i just have to shot through the door and its not murder, does it also count if i had my eyes closed and wasn't aware that someone walked in front of me
  8. Dat Rental car tho, Honestly worst thing about that track was Lethal b, saying that not heard anything i really like from him since his Back to Bizznizz album
  9. it appears Pjr1985 has a similar taste to me haha
  10. Im going to make my own country with hookers and blackjack............................in fact just forget the country
  11. i think this get in that frame of mind
  12. I think his point was that he will take it off the road and save his money towards it, I can't see an issue there. Some people don't have 10s of thousands lying around ready for immediate use. Team Marks and spencer do
  13. was she found to have been playing the sausage with her ex not long before
  14. not so much a joke but made me chuckle
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