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Everything posted by StevoD

  1. o right camera angles are good tho
  2. im going to be that guy but that didnt feature 1 thing actually to do with trax did it?
  3. So how is the scottish govement going to pay for all the public sector then if nobodys paying tax There is only one guy in Scotland paying tax? Dunno you tell me, do all scots work cash in hand? but i did say if nobody
  4. ive been told im not aloud to get annoyed and give an alternative approach any more
  5. Off topic but i got warning points for this, how come staff are allowed to swear around the filter but were not! one rule for one, one Rule for another
  6. So how is the scottish govement going to pay for all the public sector then if nobodys paying tax
  7. How the **** does that work 50+45+6 is 101?
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