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Everything posted by StevoD

  1. Think I heard recently the average age for an adult child ( male) leaving home is now 36 years old ( heard this on the radio so don't know how accurate the source was) Pretty crazy but knowing how much deposit you need these days especially around this area, I can see why! Difficult one Matt but if you do rent then I think realistically the zed would have to go as it won't be cheap. As others have said living on your own is one of the best things you can do and will do wonders for you in more ways than one. Depends on what your after - independence and free to do what you want or have a zed but have to deal with rules and boundaries so to speak. Good luck dude. i think when i priced up and average 1 bed flat with tax and other utility's in Cambridge i was looking at about £1100-£1300 depending on tyre of property then on top of that car to get to work with running costs and food, So erm yea im still at home.
  2. It is unlike you to be right i do agree for once
  3. ive just paid £600 to sky at 23 years old but 6 NCB All mods declared, so give them a call
  4. well ive looked into it and on my wage i want afford to do it solo
  5. Fixed that for you Flex, ....not sure Grundy goes the other way. dunno ive heard stories about him and mouthwash
  6. i think grundy works for EastEnders and is using us as a focus group for future storyline all joking aside mate both have cones both have pluses, but what matters most to you is the answer not sure anyone can answer for you, but if you need a hand moving my Mazda can fit some @*!# in it
  7. Hes right you know, GPS is no defence as far as a court is concerned. A GPS 'Tracker' such as the insurance black boxes is, As when a car carrying a blackbox goes to court after a dangerous crash and they see the driver speeding they use it to convict them so it as good device to prove innocence
  8. spiders aint so bad grund these are worse
  9. I need all the protein I can get with all this training at the moment. Queue the dirty comments... Sod the comments, I'll be round in 10. Can almost here the Click of the Barry White Cd going in
  10. im going to have a stab in the dark that the droplink has seized
  11. Would gladly take this over a spider... no wonder your single, theres you screeching standing on a sofa and a girl with a paper and a glass thinking For crying out loud
  12. im not allowed to join in in these anymore
  13. Nigeria is a nice place for insects not sure there dangerous, But sharing your room with 8-9 stick insects, handful of cockroaches, couple of crickets and a couple dozen Geko/lizzard things, its like a party every night
  14. Yea just be sure the person you borrowing from is the 100% owner
  15. http://www.confused.com/car-insurance/articles/when-fully-comp-doesnt-let-you-drive-any-motor
  16. Well you cant DOC a rented car and as lease is long term rental ? Also you must have owners permission not who the car is registered to if it is leased or financed and your mate says yea mate no worryz take it have you asked the owner, No . The owner is the finance/lease company and they will not let a randomer drive it on 3pft This is worth a read
  17. also ive read that if said car is owned in the household and is on finance or leased it maybe not be eligible for cover
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