i dont want this to come across horribly but im sure it will so please forgive me,
if you cant afford it you dont get it!
i cant afford a Ferrari, so i don't own a Ferrari
if he cant afford an insurance premium, he doesn't get insurance,
If i want said Ferrari i do all i can to get it tightening belt etc, its all about priority, When i was 17 on a apprentice wage,
i was earning about £450 a month, £350 of that went to insurance the other £100 on fuel to get to and from work but in turn i sacrificed, going out with friends on a Saturday night or buying nice new clothes, or new phone and other gadgets etc, Because my priority was the car
Same with a friend i have now he cant understand how we both earn similar but i can afford my car and he was just getting by running a civic, difference is he was spending £150-200 a month on games, DVDs and sweets from tesco to sit in and watch most night with a £20 dominos twice a week, where as i dont,
Like you say hes off to UNI which i guessing is his life choice, i still know people who went to uni but haven't got a car but that was there life choice and you cant have everything, No car now and a Degree to earn money for a ferrari in 20 years time or no uni and have the money for a cheap car now
I no that sound really point blank and horrible but i dunno how else to say it, its not meant to sound mean