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Everything posted by StevoD

  1. i dont want this to come across horribly but im sure it will so please forgive me, if you cant afford it you dont get it! i cant afford a Ferrari, so i don't own a Ferrari if he cant afford an insurance premium, he doesn't get insurance, If i want said Ferrari i do all i can to get it tightening belt etc, its all about priority, When i was 17 on a apprentice wage, i was earning about £450 a month, £350 of that went to insurance the other £100 on fuel to get to and from work but in turn i sacrificed, going out with friends on a Saturday night or buying nice new clothes, or new phone and other gadgets etc, Because my priority was the car Same with a friend i have now he cant understand how we both earn similar but i can afford my car and he was just getting by running a civic, difference is he was spending £150-200 a month on games, DVDs and sweets from tesco to sit in and watch most night with a £20 dominos twice a week, where as i dont, Like you say hes off to UNI which i guessing is his life choice, i still know people who went to uni but haven't got a car but that was there life choice and you cant have everything, No car now and a Degree to earn money for a ferrari in 20 years time or no uni and have the money for a cheap car now I no that sound really point blank and horrible but i dunno how else to say it, its not meant to sound mean
  2. Cant he pay for his own policy? i and all my friends when we passed are test had to work and save up to pay them
  3. WAIT WHAT THE CAR AT TRAX WAS WRAPPED!?!?! i thought it was just the OEM blue colour, that is amazing
  4. in a no homo way i think us 3 all watched need for speed at letchworth few months back
  5. cant wait to see my awful lines on a video someday haha
  6. a people said civic ep3 are faster than 350s
  7. are you slamming it down into gear before the corner as at 3:14 sounds like engine brakeing from around 6-7krpm
  8. i know you do you know someone called steve travers?
  9. first thing im going to say grun is make sure you cancel your membership with that credit checker as they WILL charged you £15 a month after the first month
  10. and that should be a problem, https://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=video&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CCAQtwIwAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fvimeo.com%2F36508253&ei=oZQZVLWoJYbD7Aao94D4Aw&usg=AFQjCNFq1jQEcklSTUROFDNcIVY7GAqhsw&sig2=f2iF3EedH34KMtghbl37EA
  11. can get tv on ebay for like £40
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