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Everything posted by StevoD

  1. or do the new trend and drop a 1jz in it
  2. Me & my mates have a similar theory from our experiences along those lines. If the guy is one of these bad guys who probably is cheating on the girl and doesnt care less, maybe he lays the law down and is the dominant one in the relationship, then the woman has to make more of an effort to keep the bloke interested. That might be making sure she does her share around the house, maybe keeps him interested in the bedroom, make sure she doesnt get lazy etc. But if the bloke is clearly worshiping the ground she walks on and does everything for her then the woman now becomes the dominant one as she knows she doesnt have to now make any effort to keep the bloke. To avoid being called sexist im sure this happens the other way around also.... yea i know a few male servants, being chivalrous doesnt count if the girl expects/demand its / moans when she doesnt get it
  3. Well initially you do it because you love the other person and want to make them happy. But then after several years of the other half stealthily implementing a "changing program" you suddenly realise that you no longer are doing any of the hobbies or interests you loved doing before and are little more than someone who spends all day working or cleaning the house for a partner who is becoming more and more lazy. It then makes you feel really unhappy and depressed. Ive never tried to change anyone ive dated. If I didnt like them as they were then why would I date them in the first place. I remember once dating a girl who started piling on the weight and I did make the rookie mistake of mentioning it to her and suggesting maybe she would like to go running with me in the mornings etc. That (strangely enough) didnt go down well, so I never made that mistake again. This does make me laugh on your side and this is 100% true, my best mates long term partner was talking about a couple that recently got married and the words were something along the lines of ' Atleast Now shes married she can start getting fat as she doesnt have to worry about her looks anymore'
  4. He Has gone round the Swear filter tho
  5. See you do make me sound like a horrible person stop trying to cover up the fact you hate everybody I don't hate my girlfriend Touché
  6. See you do make me sound like a horrible person stop trying to cover up the fact you hate everybody
  7. This is definitely a key ingredient ^^ One other benefit of online dating is that you know what the other person wants before meeting them, whether it be friends, for dating or if they want a relationship from it. This certainly makes things easier. Plus you know by being on dating sites if they are single (at least they should be haha) whereas in real life its sometimes hard to tell if someone is worth chasing or not. issue with online sites is you can banishing them form your possibility with out even knowing them and then thats that its 100% about looks
  8. Difference is tho if im correct your far from a fat glasses wearing bucked teethed ugly MOFO lol Verus
  9. Difference is tho if im correct your far from a fat glasses wearing bucked teethed ugly MOFO lol
  10. is that why your nowhereboy
  11. not thats fair enough, but you said it here in one, 'You can't change the behaviour of other people' if the girls of our generations wanna do as grundy said there nothing we can do about it
  12. ok so what about the other 10 mates who in the last 3 year had the same happen to them from regular girls? the Ex was the ignition granted but what i see around on a daily basis fuels the observation
  13. yea i guess i have got a bad outlook on girls to a degree but, im product of my environment. i was cheated on by my ex, the typical o hes just an old friend etc etc and whilst i was out on jobs abroad she was riding other guys, turns out over the 3 years i was with i shared her with 3-4 guys with out knowing Ive been single for 3-4 years now and watching friends relationships and over that time ive seen 10 friends get the same happen to them by there girlfriend partners aging this age range is 18-25, and all of them have ran off to your one of the categories grundy listed. Also in that period ive spent time out at night clubs and about and either my brain is just picking up sub consciously but im sure if i strapped a go pro to my self or got some cctv footage you wind that the girls all seem to avoid normal regular guys and float to the druggys or people looking for a fight, as soon as a normal guy talks to them they tell them to jog on. Now as i say is this because there out with there mates and trying to level each other etc i dunno, Maybe its cambridge/north Herts area just have this but if grundy and other are seeing it im guessing not, I dont mean to come over negative but if it all i see what else do i know? I was told by an ex colleague it all works on a scale, which is silly but i can see his logic to a degree in it from what i see on a night out say for example 10 is good 1 is bad a number 5 girl will only accept a level 7 guy or above (so 2 levels of 'attractiveness' above them) which means a level 5 guy highest possibility is a girl of level 3 No i know that sound horsemuck and i said the same till we went out in Cambridge and he proved it
  14. As per grundys post its not an opinion, its what im seeing around me on a daily basis,
  15. Honestly like grundy says 1% aint and it seems most girls must up there friends, if there friends are looking for drug dealing rude boi then they must look for the same but a level higher so it just escalates,
  16. i think what also needs to be said these girl are of the age of 18-25 which grundy and my self are bang in the middle off
  17. not disagreeing, but you do hate traders
  18. in theory yes and they all say that but when on the 'game' (is that the right term, i dunno) not bollocks, Many a time have i been told your a really nice guy this that etc then the word, But So its got F all to do with being a nice guy,
  19. you have to look like harry style or be 'roided up in the gym
  20. We get it, you sell car insurance. you hate traders so much
  21. ^ This I guess in Stevo's case the ladies in question looked at his pics and made the assumption he must have to pay for it
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