yea i guess i have got a bad outlook on girls to a degree but, im product of my environment.
i was cheated on by my ex, the typical o hes just an old friend etc etc and whilst i was out on jobs abroad she was riding other guys, turns out over the 3 years i was with i shared her with 3-4 guys with out knowing
Ive been single for 3-4 years now and watching friends relationships and over that time ive seen 10 friends get the same happen to them by there girlfriend partners aging this age range is 18-25, and all of them have ran off to your one of the categories grundy listed.
Also in that period ive spent time out at night clubs and about and either my brain is just picking up sub consciously but im sure if i strapped a go pro to my self or got some cctv footage you wind that the girls all seem to avoid normal regular guys and float to the druggys or people looking for a fight, as soon as a normal guy talks to them they tell them to jog on. Now as i say is this because there out with there mates and trying to level each other etc i dunno, Maybe its cambridge/north Herts area just have this but if grundy and other are seeing it im guessing not,
I dont mean to come over negative but if it all i see what else do i know?
I was told by an ex colleague it all works on a scale, which is silly but i can see his logic to a degree in it from what i see on a night out
say for example 10 is good 1 is bad
a number 5 girl will only accept a level 7 guy or above (so 2 levels of 'attractiveness' above them)
which means a level 5 guy highest possibility is a girl of level 3
No i know that sound horsemuck and i said the same till we went out in Cambridge and he proved it