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Everything posted by StevoD

  1. well no but your first post you posted up a completely different wheel to what you actually own, Axe are both Cheap cast knock off jobs, depends do you like the motorsport style wheel or the bling show wheels
  2. so you had rota gtrs not grids?
  3. its not illegal or frown down up tho is it to find a woman attractive
  4. Louis Theroux did a program about peadophiles a while back which was quite interesting, how he went to like a rehab/mental hospital and interviewed them, and how someone of the some casual came across and where like yes its what turns me on i cant help it i didn't choose it, but most requested that they where kept in there as they knew if they were out on the street there urges would get there better of them
  5. fully understand that 100% but ive already herd a friend with the 360 version saying its a @*!# game just think you need to experience it on the bone
  6. from what your telling me sounds the 360 version is bad if your hitting invisible walls etc, on XBone online the weather the dirt the noise the sunset/sunrise etc is amazing and they finally added new wheels although there all HRE, and the 360 version has different cars
  7. Few cars i made on it last night
  8. :scare: So there isnt a hot russian girls whos are ready and waiting for my penis
  9. im a youngster at the young age of 23 and can see this country's has gone to the toilet in the last decade, in my child years none of me or my friends would do anything like that as well you had respect (read scared) of adults, but now in more ways than one its turning to a lazy country where most not all before i get that backlash , and going out public to places like the seaside etc are not pleasant as its just full of Jeremy Kyle benefit families with a couple kids running riot over the place because the parents cant be arsed to deal with them ruining everyones elses day.
  10. hmm i like that low mounted rear wing actually, Might have to go in the workshop and try and make some low mounts for mine
  11. Looks awesome BM shame there not RHD tho o well all for the better future
  12. Meh Still 10000% better than fifth gear, People moan its not about cars anymore etc, but to be really honest i would rather see 3 guys doing some stupid stuff in cars then listen to the monotone likes of chris harris or another of the other online podcasters tell me what the 0-60 and top speed of the new m3 is, if i wanna know that stuff, i can look it up on line in less time than them videos anyway. it does seem everything was fine over there till UK press started posting hey look his plate has FKL in it then in a few days of it being shared on social media that the people of Argentina got upset if they haddnt of had it handed to them by social media i doubt there would be any uproar,
  13. So what they did was take the miura concept and stick some huracan headlights on it
  14. So the Ipone 6 is quicker for playing games the HTC M8 is quicker for real world web browsing and the s5 is slow at everything
  15. http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/86180-nismo-v2-replica-ultralite-wheels/
  16. im still waitin on this v10 350 Ekona
  17. thats so yesterday now ...... 1jz Bgw all so 2014 New years comeing and all that
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