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Everything posted by StevoD

  1. Hmm thats Cat D and has a dodgy auto box thats slipping and that just what there telling you
  2. just noticed that in my price range aswell
  3. It's an estate, and not a V8, so definitely an old man car IM getting old BUT BUT BUT (i know ekona hates it)
  4. Aussie version looks 100 time better why when they do a vauxhall fast version do they crash it into halfords then on the way back have quick shunt in the Wilco front window
  5. o thats not good news for me does wanting one of these mean your old?
  6. If its any consultation my Dads mates ex dogs owners step sisters uncles crashed his evo somewhere in Cornwall
  8. LOL October 2013?? http://www.brentwoodgazette.co.uk/Learner-driver-17-fine-test-day-collision/story-19972732-detail/story.html
  9. Jdm distro get them but there not cheap
  10. -panasport c5c2 18x10 -12 18x11 -12 - hankook rs3's 285/35 and 255/35
  11. speak to clark motorsport think there 49.99 new but if you low you will go threw them often
  12. Have you maxxed out the toe on the rear then as I no there is a lot of adjustment there
  13. Every time I read Ebola I read ekona and I have no idea why
  14. Erm I'm not good for that as I change wheel and tire setups weekly haha Did handle better with out them but I was running a 9.5/10.5 staggard setup, with spacers I run 9.5 all round as I have 10 of the wheels for drifting So it could be the spacers or it could be the 9.5 that don't feel so good
  15. i drift on spacers no issues
  16. dunno maybe the parking for an hour
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