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Everything posted by StevoD

  1. grund this guy might be able to give you some real world feedback, names james burr?
  2. http://www.gotuning.com/images/products/Cusco_7pt_HarnessBar_S2000_1.jpg
  3. i do recall recirc valves being shitty on the 1.9pds but cant really diagnosis over the web, if you can get a known good unit might be worth swapping and trying
  4. RTB whats your GT i will add you on there Mine Draggster454 if you fancy it lol
  5. Althought apparently UK laws would deem this as selling stolen goods
  6. At least the us guys have some acting skill or an idea what's going on, zero of the UK guys had any idea what they were buying
  7. Is horrific if you haven't seen it fresh to Dave just don't
  8. http://www.jdmdistro.com/shop/19-wheels/algernon-division-lux-max/
  9. And them ame are fugly haha
  10. Well I have 18x9.5 et 35 and they hit my brakes but a 20mm spacer solved it
  11. Nothing illegal going on here move along
  12. If your Z is a VLSD either JDM or UK then this is a direct fit, if you have a JDM open diff then we can supply a different LSD Winner then erm I'm in Blackpool till end of week and can't pay till then
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