What annoys me, is how the poppy thread everyone said you cant accuse it being muslim because it was poppys related, but we can accuse a guy of homophobic attacks because apparently a homophobic phrase was used
Your either on the soap box or off it, not when you want to be
But it seem as soon as a minority a different race was involved everyone jumped on the PC wagon as soon It was sexuality based it turned to a bit of a joke seems rather hypocritical (might be the wrong word)
i might be confusing with what im saying but hope the right message gets across also this isnt pointed at anyone directly
Also reading that if the two blokes that got beaten where gay and the two attackers where in pink tutus cant be hard to see how this kicked off personally i dont think its a homophobia attack more a case of them getting the **** taken out of could have been the two straightest people in the word if what i imagine the homosexual guys said had been said by a straight person i imagine the reaction would have been the same, and therefors sexuality had nothing to do with it same was the race of the poppy seller attack may have had nothing to do with it