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Everything posted by StevoD

  1. I have numerous warnings for you in my fictitious list, mostly for anti Nismo jibes #### how many must I have I seem to remember when we were testing this software package you had a ruck of points and were banned once or twice. so you can get banned and return?
  2. Bit like your woodland adventure
  3. I'll have them I'll go with ya haha
  4. Thanks for translating my point into english ekona
  5. Hello guys i have 3 maybe 4 (3 for sure) beta keys for the crew on xbox one First 3 guys to PM me i will give it to you, but for reason of the BETA there testing the Crew multi-player feature so youll have to add me to your list for it to work i think GT Draggster454 You input the code like you would a pre paid XBL membership card it will download it and last beta we got a about a week and a half out of it
  6. Yea fodder is wasn't directly at you pal but a kind of collective note you can see who views this and there's people who made uproar in the other thread but not here And there is about as much evidence and details to this story as the other Just seemed odd to get on a soap box for a racist thing and not for a sexuality thing
  7. Indeed BTW I think I was referring to you saying you wound up the guys on the jag forum. Yeah I know, honestly like fishing with hand grenades really, far too easy to wind them up Hmm maybe I should get a jag sounds like I would fit in well You would be as welcome as a ham sandwich at a bar mitzvah Is that cause Im one of them ghastly asda using youths
  8. Indeed BTW I think I was referring to you saying you wound up the guys on the jag forum. Yeah I know, honestly like fishing with hand grenades really, far too easy to wind them up Hmm maybe I should get a jag sounds like I would fit in well
  9. We caNt accuse her we Don't know the circumstances
  10. hire purchase finance done have final payments you have set number each month and thats that
  11. Just read this on PH regarding PCP "The main issues raised here are entirely focused on the GFV and any equity left over at the end. This demonstrates that folks are missing the point. I have sold lots of PCP packages, and every time, wether negotiating the deal up front, or negotiating for the replacement at the other end, folks are obsessed with 'how much' it is worth in relation to the GFV. They are also overly concerned with how much it costs new as well, folks still have this 'The new one costs X' and at three years old 'It is worth X but, the GFV is X'. The customer wants the dealer/finance house to take any risk of loss, hence a GFV, but doesnt want them to keep any surplus. And therein lies the mistrust of PCP. Forget all about what things cost or what they are worth, if thats your bag, get plain old fashioned chucky. If you go to buy in the US, nearly everyone is on a PCP, and all they talk about is 'rental'. No one gives a hoot what the cars costs and what it will be worth and the GFV. All that matters is the payment, or rental. The salesman will ask 'Whats your current rental and how much you want to spend on rental?' and what you look at and buy is based on rental, what the sticker price is and what the residuals are hardly rate a mention. If you are comfortable with the rental to drive car X is all that matters. In fact you sometimes wont even get prices on the cars, just typical rentals because they have become the principal price issue. Best way to approach a PCP is as if you were paying a visit to Avis for a three year rental rather than to a showroom to buy. As soon as you get bogged down in 'how much' at the end, you have missed the point. If you dont want the dealer to get any benefit out of any suprplus, you have to take ownership. But ownership means you have to take responsibility for any loss too. PCP isnt about any of that. It is rent and repeat, rent and repeat."
  12. when you say refinance the the balancee im guessing that would be via a loan from the bank or would a stealership do that for you??
  13. Just curious on people views what the point on spending the money on parts if A the car isnt ever going to be yours B you plan on handing it back in 36 months
  14. Stevo. Trust me when I tell you this because I work in justice system: Any attack which is preceded by homophobic, religious, racist abuse etc is very likely to be classified as a hate crime. If I called you a 'gay bleep' and then assaulted you, the prosecuting authorities would take that to mean that my attack was at least partly motivated by homophobia. And that is, of course, a logical conclusion to draw. Most importantly, if the case went to court the homophobic abuse would very probably be taken into account as an aggravating factor. This isn't my opinion - it's how the law works. And yes, to save you typing the question: an attack against a white person can be considered to be racially motivated, and the racist element would be very likely to be an aggravating factor taken into account by the court. There are a substantial number of racially motivated attacks against white people every year in this country. your sort of missing the point im making
  15. spacers will be springs nope
  16. That's not true. There are only 400ish mk1s in the world. So unless there are only 1000 370z globally I think your numbers are wrong. I believe there are around 65 in the UK. Also, if you're putting 2k down on a 38k car, maybe it's not the best thing .... how many left says there 38 nismo 370z taxed in the uk extra this year compared to last and looks like there is an extra 80-90 total 370z taxed in the uk this year compared with last so does sound right
  17. i still stand by it, people attitude of you dont know the full circumstances you cannot judge has to on all occasions not when it allows you to be the bigger man on a raciest claim
  18. yea thats right untill that payment is paid the car is never his
  19. what type of finance Hire purchase i would imagine your quote was i imagine your friend has PCP which will means untill he pays a large final sum after x amount of years on a £32k i would guess around 10-15k the car will never be his, and i bet when that time comes he will trade it in
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