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Posts posted by StevoD

  1. unlike a flat earth map, the UK does not sit parallel with the united states with regards to a flight path. on a flat earth map there would be no reason to fly over southern Ireland 


    which is why a flight path map on a flat earth looks like a curve but on the sphere its almost a straight line 



  2. Also davey can you do me a favour go get a football and measure the circumferences at the two  lines below 


    its fairly obvious at the top of the sphere the circumference is small hence when plans fly their rather than the equator they get to their destination faster 


    • Haha 1
  3. How are they strange I don't get you point? 


    Makes logical sense to me go get a ping pong ball and draw a line around it on a diagonal axis will be the same path as above.


    How they look on a flat plan is the picture you have there is it not a when the spherical shape of the earth is put on paper it looks like that. 


    Hence when you fly from London to Orlando the shortest path isn't directly across the ocean as per a flat map but is actually across the north east of Canada and down the eastern coast of the US 

    Because Edinburgh is closer to miami than London yet on a map if you get a ruler London and Miami are closer. 

  4. 38 minutes ago, Ekona said:

    I think it’s because it’s hard to understand why you’ll pick one theory that has some evidence to pieces, but another theory with no proof you believe blindly. 


    To me, that makes no sense. 

    Better way of putting it. 


    With regards to pictures of earth etc 


    I can take a pic of the countryside change between a ton of lense not move my feet and the focal points and distance between each object in shot will change with every image. 


    Has every picture always been with the same camera on the settings ( I don't know) 



  5. Surely if you can believe a giant man in the sky exists surely you can believe it's possible to make it to the moon.


    It's not a dig as much as it sounds it but in comparison man getting to the moon/space is about as easy as me getting to Sainsbury's in comparison to what is written in the Bible?


    Or is it more the science Vs religion debate? If you can prove science wrong it gives more weight to the religious beliefs


    Not a dig just would like it clarifying as It seems and odd angle to be at 

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