I don't see how religion can be responsible for anything, the individuals that have used it as a weapon are responsible.
oh absolutely, its always an individual person pulling the trigger that kills someone, I mean that if you asked that person why they pulled the trigger, religious beliefs would be one of their reasons.
There would be no wars at all if people would stop shooting at each other!
I see your point but i disagree
There religious beliefs will 9/10 be an 'Extremist belief' Where they read 1 paragraph of a religious book and not the rest,
Like people have said take that away from them they will just find something else
there just as much conflict in sports, just it doesnt get blown up by the media, But because supporting Chelsea or arsenal isnt a religion it doesnt get glorified
Is religion the cause of Conflicts, no, do people use it as an excuse to be extremists yes
If you believe there is a god or gods and that they demand you do x,y,z thats fine and your right, just do not force you beliefs and what you believe to be correct way of life on others