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Everything posted by StevoD

  1. There conflicts through out time are extremist trying to demand there way of live on others on a do it or die basis, So yes if it was there they wouldn't do it but like you said they will do it for something else, Ford vs Chevy, Football vs rugby, north vs south But this does not mean that these people are operating under religion it off there own back To quote Fast and furious lol 'You make choices and you don't look back' The people causing conflicts are doing it off there own choice nobody has controled them to do it, no religion says kill all who say no to us
  2. I don't see how religion can be responsible for anything, the individuals that have used it as a weapon are responsible. oh absolutely, its always an individual person pulling the trigger that kills someone, I mean that if you asked that person why they pulled the trigger, religious beliefs would be one of their reasons. There would be no wars at all if people would stop shooting at each other! I see your point but i disagree There religious beliefs will 9/10 be an 'Extremist belief' Where they read 1 paragraph of a religious book and not the rest, Like people have said take that away from them they will just find something else there just as much conflict in sports, just it doesnt get blown up by the media, But because supporting Chelsea or arsenal isnt a religion it doesnt get glorified Is religion the cause of Conflicts, no, do people use it as an excuse to be extremists yes If you believe there is a god or gods and that they demand you do x,y,z thats fine and your right, just do not force you beliefs and what you believe to be correct way of life on others
  3. NOOOOO Aliveboy do not use that button it backfires
  4. Well arnt you a little ray of sunshine this morning At least I don't set fireworks off to annoy dogs. #BecauseDiwali
  5. Well arnt you a little ray of sunshine this morning
  6. Flex Z Legend Members 5,312 posts Location:Sex Dungeon
  7. wait so we cant swear but we can post strippers/poledancers
  8. Really WOW tankyou, i must know which tho
  9. erm ive done it in second you could pull 3rd for more angle/smoke but it can be done in second
  10. are you saying that because 1 persons moans about something 300 people should have to loss out on something innocent
  11. explain it to me then as all im seeing is everyone saying groups in a set area should respect 1 persons in the community who finds everyones lawful business a inconvenience to them not the case that 1 person should respect the wishes of 7 groups of people for the inconvenience of 3-4 nights for maybe 30-40 minutes a night total
  12. Now I kinda feel you're missing everyone else's point. It's about having respect for your neighbours, ultimately. So because anything ever could offend the people across the street i bet do nothing but sit in a dark room? i can understand if your doing it everynight all year at silly times of the night but whats the issue of doing over the week period on 1 night or should i knock on everyones door in a 5 miles radius and check what night there happy for me to do it, I do think there should be a register on a council website that you must post location and time you plan to set off fire works, but that doesn't solve the issue of 7 different groups only being able to congregate on 7 different days But then they should be respect the fact we can about our lawful business or should lets say 100 people have to drop everything for one person
  13. yea biggest iv played at is pod do no really high speed stuff
  14. No Mate i just dont use my handbrake
  15. Kinda feel like everyones missed my point as usual everyones getting but hurt over fireworks Might Just expect people to ban christmas shopping on anyday expect the 24/12 as there causing me to take an extra 2 hours to get in the town centre for a meeting and my life is so much more important than theres
  16. So what your saying in effect is, If a family has a son out on tour with the MOD and isnt due back untill the 3rd of january they arent allowed to celebrate it upon his return as if it was christmas day, As christmas day is the 25th and it shouldn't be acceptable to celebrate it any other time?
  17. This we had a small display at a friend's house on Friday as well all work in the week and the 5th being a Wednesday doenst work had about 30-40 people there who hadn't seen in years eextremely sociable evening with good people
  18. I agree but Say one family in a area fathers away on buissness from the 1-5th Another another familys son is away from the 4-10th due to working away Now say that plays over with 20 famikys who are you to say they can't celebrate as a family because of your own inconvenience Don't get me wrong I have pets that hate it but it my duty to do the best for my animals at that time There was a family locally who's 4 year old daughter died of cancer around March April this year who are we to say they can't set fireworks off in memory of there daughter
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