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Everything posted by StevoD

  1. no idea but alot of tuner wings are actually bomgerang shaped so i guess it does the same thing just oppersite side of the car
  2. Thats why his engine blew so much downforce the front of the car lifted up to 45 degress and oil surged to the rear
  3. According to the above any light displayed on the front must be white (so white undergow at front is fine) According to the above any light displaying on the rear must be red (so a red underglow at rear is fine) and same for amber at the sides i think
  4. not totally true, if i wish to drive around slowly or in a wide load for some reason i cant put this on my car/van/truck legally
  5. this was done by this i know there TA and not drifting but if you look back at bizz threads he said he need more traction in rear so if a wing can give even 5% more traction over without its got to be worth it
  6. are there large stocks or is it like a 1 of each item left deal
  7. http://www.superstreetonline.com/how-to/paint-body/htup-1209-wings-ff-cars/
  8. depends on the car the Wing and what your trying to do with them i guess, i dont think it works like the speed of sound where you get to a certain speed and you get a sonic boom or downforce I guess i should get to snet get someone to time a few laps wingless then put the wing on do some laps and see whats what
  9. Alot of the serious championships ie Formula Drift, D1GP BDC (super pro class) IDC (pro Class) do enter on most runs between 80-100mph Look into the Audi tt and why that got its little duck bill on the mk1 little wing on he boot made a big difference but wings/spoilers also create high speed stability not just down force which is handy and as above #BECUASERACECAR
  10. Oooh i see can i enter a picture of my car then from a friend or not?
  11. How can he take a picture of him self driftings haha o well no hope these days
  12. Full sounds system ie speakers subs etc The scrappage scheme did me well for stereos and alloy wheels
  13. What if its a forum member but not my car ?
  14. How did he get his own colonies I want one Yes I see the irony
  15. I thought running the clip was cool
  16. Still better than Terry same routine grant haha
  17. Does it have to be off your own zed ?
  18. Who wouldn't want gold nuts
  19. Think Tegiwa are alloy
  20. Unless your a Porsche fanatic they all seem to hate him for ruining them
  21. Love the top gear USA episode him and rut are in mustangs racing a cross country cowboy and he skidding canyon roads
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