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Everything posted by StevoD

  1. Similar (they had Escorts and Imprezas too), but not them. I can't remember the name right now, will have to take a look when I get home on the bottle of champagne I won for Most Improved Driver that day* *Which only highlights how bad I was to start with
  2. you can only do it if you start drifting
  3. You can be sponsored by tarmac and hankook
  4. What are the wheels on the silver one http://www.tarmacsportz.co.uk/GB/370z_19_Inch_Set_SSR_TYPE_F_Wheels/370z-19370ZSSRTYPEF.aspx
  5. Lol the auto trader advert in other words its never been issue since i got it serviced so i didnt service it again
  6. to be honest they suit sal0on/hatch eco cars and look poo on anythign jap and coupe bbs rs-gt or works vs-xx would be a better look works vsxx
  7. v8 touring car at rockingham was good single seater at silverstone was good astra/sierra/mini wrc car at langleypark rally school was good but id rather do something like this than a few laps in a supercar anyday now https://www.redletterdays.co.uk/Experience/Ref/ICNGS/Ultimate-Stock-Car-Racing
  8. http://www.pistonheads.com/classifieds/lightbox?advertid=2959448&index=3&link=false
  9. and so is the water pump if its working fine
  10. if your changing water pump put a fresh chain on tho
  11. No offence, but please ignore everything that was just said right there.... so the person who didnt know what fuel to put in a 350z is giving buying advice? is that why
  12. When getting quote when buying the Z some companys quoted less on the import than the uk model dunno why, But i went with import as it had a loads of REAL nismo goodies on it
  13. yea 100% and no a set of rims and front lip doesnt cut it
  14. http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/79332-neon-under-lights-cool-or-un-cool/page__st__120
  15. Thats why his engine blew so much downforce the front of the car lifted up to 45 degress and oil surged to the rear :facepalm: Sorry secrets out
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